Chapter 24

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Jacks POV

We finished breakfast and got ready to leave for Burgess. I'm real excited that Elsa is meeting my family.

"I'm kind of nervous, Jack," Elsa said as she was braiding her hair.

"What are you nervous about?" I asked, watching her.

"What if they don't like me?" she asked, finishing her braid.

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her waist," they're gonna love you. Don't worry about it."

She smiled, "I hope so."

"Are you ready my Queen?" I walked towards the window.

"Just about. Let me put my gloves on first," Elsa walked to her dresser and put on her light blue gloves.

Honestly, I don't think she should wear them. "Why are you wearing your gloves?" I asked.

"I still don't have full control of my powers...I don't want to risk anything."

I sighed, "okay, you ready now?"

"Let's go!" Elsa followed right next to me. I picked her up and climbed onto the balcony railing.

"Wind, take me to Burgess!!"


Emma's POV

"Mom, don't forget that Jack and his girlfriend are coming for dinner!" I said as I set the table for four.

"That was tonight?" my mom asked from the kitchen.

Is she serious?! "Yes!!" I almost shouted, worrying we wouldn't have enough food.

My mom entered the dining room laughing, "I'm kidding, Emma! I didn't forget."

"Is the food almost ready? they should be here pretty soon." I asked, looking at the time.

"Yes, mother. The food is just about done," my mom mocked me, which caused me to laugh. Just then, there was a knock on our door.

"They're here!" I called to my mom who was finishing the food. I sprinted to the door and calmly opened it. There I saw Jack and his girlfriend.

"You two are finally here!!" I jumped & and pulled the two inside the house. "Mom, get out here and meet Jack's girlfriend!!!"

Jacks girlfriend looked at Him with a smile while he blushed, hard.

"Mom, Emma, meet Elsa. Elsa, meet my mom and my sister Emma," Jack introduced us.

Elsa and my mom shook hands and said hello. When Elsa held her hand out to me, I pulled her into a hug. She was a little stiff at first, but she loosened up and hugged me back.

"It's nice to finally meet you!" I said, sounding a little too excited.

"Oh, I know! I've been excited to meet you, Jack has told me all about you!" Elsa said, sounding just as excited.

Suddenly there was the sound of a timer going off.

"Oh! Food is ready! Jack, come help me bring it out. girls, take a seat at the table!" My mother said rushing to the kitchen, with Jack following close behind her.

Elsa and I sat next to each other, "so, Elsa, you have powers like Jack?" I turned to her.

"Yep! Wanna see?" Elsa smiled. I smiled back and nodded. Elsa removed the gloves she wore and set them on the table, then moved her hands in small circular motions and a snowball formed between them.

"That is so cool!! I mean, it's cool when Jack does it too, but it's way cooler when you do it!" I exclaimed. "But why do you wear gloves? It's spring."

Just before Elsa could answer, My mom and Jack entered the room with the food. Elsa put her gloves back on as They served everyone, including themselves.

"Alright everyone..dig in!" my mom said loudly.


Elsa's POV

"The food was amazing, Ms.Overland. Thank you so much!" I said, wiping any accidental stray food from the corners of my mouth.

"It was no problem, dear. I'm glad you liked it," Jack's mom smiled. "So, tell us about yourself."

"Well, I was born with my powers. When we were young, my sister and I would always play around in our ballroom. She'd tell me to 'do the magic' and I would conjure up a snowball to make the room a winter wonderland." I smiled at the memory. "it was all fun and games until one night I accidentally struck my sisters head with my powers. Luckily my father knew trolls who could remove the magic from her head and, unfortunately , her memory. From that moment on, I couldn't have any contact with my sister...but it was for her safety. My father gave me a pair of gloves to wear, for they would conceal my powers. When I wore the gloves, I couldn't harm anyone."

"That's so sad," Emma whispered, with a sad look in her eyes.

"Emma, shhh!" Jack scolded his sister.

"It's fine, Jack." I gave him a small smile, "Anyway, I didn't see her for a good 10 years. The first time I saw her was my coronation day. That same night, my sister had taken one of my gloves off my hand and I lost control of my power. I ran away from my kingdom and built my own ice palace. My sister found me and tried taking me home, but I refused and accidentally froze her heart. I was taken back to my kingdom by force. There I was almost killed, but My sister sacrificed herself for me. She turned to ice before she could be sliced with the enemy's sword. Luckily, she unfroze because of her good deed. At that moment, I realized that Love will thaw. That was the key the whole"

"That's so sweet!" Emma chimed in. I looked at her with a sweet smile and I could she her eyes glistening. We sat in silence for a couple minutes until Jack spoke...

"Anyone up for a snowball fight?"

"Oh my gosh, yes!!" Emma shouted, jumping out of her seat.

"Not so fast, young lady! You better go put on the appropriate clothing for a snowball fight!" Jacks mom, said sounding stern. Emma bolted to her room and was out within minutes wearing a coat and pants. She ran outside with Jack following. I didn't exactly feel like running, so I started walking.

"C'mon, Elsa!" Jack laughed, pulling my hands, causing my gloves to slip off.

"Wait, Jack! My gloves," I said, panicked.

"Elsa, you don't need them! We're about to have a snowball fight!!" He said as he put my gloves in his hoodie pocket.

I guess he's right. It's just snowballs..what's the worst that could happen?

Jack and I covered the area in snow and gave Emma a bunch of snowballs.

We hauled snowballs at each other for a good 30 minutes. I was having a blast until the two siblings teamed up against me! I started pelting snowballs in every direction, not even aiming. I was laughing, not paying attention to my surroundings. I kept going until I heard my name being called.

"ELSA! STOP!!" Jack cried. I paused what I was doing to see Jack crouched on the ground next to an unconscious Emma.

No....not again.

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