Chapter 22

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Elsa's POV

"Elsa, wake up! it's time for breakfast! " Jack said through my door. I sat up, still tired. I looked up at the time. its only 6:30 a.m.

"Jack breakfast isn't until 8! I still have an hour!" I said as I laid back down burying myself in my bed sheets. Jack started knocking at my door repeatedly until I got up to scold him. To my surprise, when I opened the door he wasn't there.

"Rise and shine your highness," Jack said from behind me. I turned around and Jack was sitting on my bed with a smirk on his face.

"how did you get in here?" I asked. Jack pointed it at my open window, still smirking. I rolled my eyes and laughed," why did you wake me up so early?"

"We have a big day ahead of us!" Jack almost shouted, practically jumping on my bed. I laughed at how childish he looked as I formed a snowball and threw it at him.

"hey!" he laughed and tossed one at my shoulder; that caused an all out snow fight. We created little forts for ourselves, pelting each other with different sized snowballs. I frosted over Jack's fort so he couldn't get out. When I knew he'd be stuck in there for a few minutes, I darted out of my room and down the hall. I went to the ballroom, closed the giant double doors, and hid behind a curtain. Only then did I realize I was still in my pajamas. I figured a dress is too formal for a snowball fight so I flicked my wrist and frosted black capri pants, similar to Jack's, formed on my legs. Then I made a light blue zip-up sweater and light blue tennis shoes. Once I thought my outfit was complete, I tied my hair up into a ponytail.

I realized Jack hadn't come looking for me. I hope he's not really stuck in there. I went to go over the double doors and when I did Jack was standing there with snowballs hovering around him. I panicked and just as I was about to close the door, Jack flew in with the snowballs following him. Jack laughed as I dodged every snowball he threw at me. I formed a semi-large snowball and threw it at Jack. Before it could hit him, he caught it and added more snow to make it bigger.

When I realized what he was doing, I turned around and started running. Suddenly Jack was in front of me with the snowball. I closed my eyes, preparing for the impact of the large sized iceball. When I realized I hadn't been hit yet, I  opened my eyes to see Jack spending a few feet from me.  His arms crossed and he was smirking. I put my hands on my hips and stuck my tongue out at him.

"You shouldn't have done that Elsa,"  Jack said, pointing above me. I looked and saw the giant snowball hovering five feet above my head. Jack dropped his hand. As he did so, the snowball landed on me. I was sitting in a pile of snow and Jack approached me. " like my new trick? I learned it from a beautiful lady named Elsa," Jack said kneeling down next to me. I blushed and threw a little snow ball at him.

Jack stood up and offered his hand to help me up. I grabbed it and Jack yanked on my arm causing me to fly out of the snow and on to him.

"hmm, I feel like we've been through this before,"  Jack said grinning, "oh, right we have. But this time I can do what I wanted to do the last time."

"And what's th-" I was cut off

when Jack passionately kissed me. We pulled away and smiled at each other. I can feel myself blushing when Jack lightly kissed my nose. He rolled over and laid next to me.

"what's your favorite animal?" Jack asked. That was a weird and random question.

"I like squirrels," I said. I don't know why I said squirrels, they're not my favorite. it just popped into my head. Just then a little ice squirrel crawled up next to me. My eyes grew wide, "Jack, how did you that? " I pet the squirrel. It felt so real.

" I know a few tricks of my own," he sat up, "didn't you build Olaf?"

" yeah but I didn't intend on him coming to life," I confessed.

"well, you just form what you want, concentrate really hard, and put a thin layer of frost over it. Like this," he built a little snow dog and closed eyes, concentrating. When he opened his eyes, he frosted the dog and it came to life. It jumped around, barking. Jack and I laughed at the little snow dog.

"Now you give it a try!" Jack suggested.

I thought about what I wanted to make. A duckling. A conjured up snow to make a little duckling. Then I concentrated on only the duckling. Finally I shot a little bit of frost at the small snow figure and it started waddling around and quaking. Jack laughed as the baby duck waddled up to him.

"Good job, Elsa! Not bad for your first, official, try!" Jack said as he rubbed my back. "Hey look at the time! It's past 8, we're late for breakfast!!"

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