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A sigh escaped from my mouth as I continue to kick the rocks around me. I didn't care less about the people around me who keep yelling at me to stop, so I kept kicking before walking away. They can only watch. Some of them glare at me and some of them are surprised.

Didn't I told you to stay? Why don't you believe me?

"Lila, just shut the fuck up. You know nothing about the real life." As soon as I put my cap on, I bump into someone. A part of me tell me to yell at her but I don't want to. Instead, I look up and saw a familiar face. At first I thought she was a stranger but looking at her again, she was Mira. "Hana? What are you doing here?" Mira asked. I look back down and adjust my cap, ready to run away from her but she stop me. She grab my hand and drag me to somewhere. I tried to let go but she was somehow stronger.

We entered a building, a crowded one. People were running everywhere while some of them are getting their makeups done. We passes by several rooms with some people in it. There's label too on each of the rooms.

Seventeen, Got7, EXO, Astro, Wanna One..

We entered a room that labelled BTS on it. The room was somewhat, calm compare to the other rooms. All of the people who is in there were sitting down, playing with their phones. Mira pull me to a couch and made me sit down before she went to the other side of the room, talking to some of the guys.

Mira's P.O.V

I'm not mad or anything, I'm just surprised to see her out there alone. She's still new to out side world yet she's popular because she was abused before she went to the orphanage. I already know that this is the first time she got the chance to speak to someone but she's just, can't trust them.

That's why I want her to trust these guys....

"Hey! Wake up!" I clapped my hand in front of Taehyung's face, making him jolted and widened his eyes. He pouted at me before he suddenly stretch and yawned loudly, making the other members stare at him instead of their phones.

"What? I wanna sleep!!" Taehyung whined. I shook my head before looking at the others. J-Hope suddenly changed to J-Nope after he saw Taehyung whined. He was somewhat annoyed by it.

You're annoying too when you're too cute, Hoseok. So stop making those J-Nope faces.

As if he heard me, he look at me and smiled. "What is it, Noona?" He asked.

"I need your help." I pointed at Hana. "You know her right? So there's no need to explain. She's a orphan now and she suffers social anxiety, that's what the doctor said. She's still new to the outside world and still scared. She doesn't seem to trust anyone in the orphanage."

I stopped for a few seconds to look at her. That lonely little girl can just curl into a ball and just wait for what's gonna happens.

"I trust you guys that you all can make her trust you. I don't know why I choose you but just, please help her out. She's young, still innocent. Help her."

Short one, I know.
Forgive my mistakes.

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