34: Mental health -1000! Your opponent has delivered a critical hit!

Start from the beginning

"That's it! That psychopath is going to have to get in line, because I'm going to get you first!"

At the side, Mika was not sure whether or not she should laugh or cry as she observed the all too familiar scene of her best friends squabbling.


After her lively discussion with her two friends, Shizuka went to meet Aiko to confirm the details of the locker break-in investigation.

"As you know, senpai, there weren't any witnesses present and at the location of our lockers, there aren't any video cameras, so we really couldn't find anyone suspicious." Aiko eyes became slightly moist. "I'm really sorry, senpai..."

"It's alright, Aiko-chan," assured Shizuka. "It wasn't your fault. You guys tried your best and plus, there are other ways of catching the culprit."

"O-other ways?" Aiko bit her lip nervously. "Shizuka-senpai...are you still going to be looking for this person?...Must you go that far? It was just a harmless prank right?"

"Hmm, well it's kind of hard to explain everything that's happened, but in any case, I definitely want to find this person."

Aiko stared at her absentmindedly. "...Everything that's happened? Wait, did this person do anything else to you, senpai?!"

At Aiko's flustered movements, Shizuka stilled for a moment before reaching over and patting the younger girl's head. "I appreciate what you, Rei-chan, and everyone else in the club have done thus far, but I'll take care of things from here, Aiko-chan. Thank you and I'm sorry to have burdened you."

Aiko subconsciously gripped the ends of her sleeves tightly. With a troubled expression she muttered, "You shouldn't be the one apologizing here, senpai..."

Wanting to lift up the younger girl's spirit, Shizuka casually asked, "How has school been for you lately? Have you been well?" Once the words questions left her lips, Shizuka suddenly recalled the altercation she had previously witnessed in the stairwell so she added, "...Are you getting along with all your peers?"

"W-what do you mean, s-senpai? W-w-which peer?"

Uh, I can't really reveal that I overheard her arguing with Ichinomiya, right?

"I'm just asking in general. You and Rei-chan do a lot for me but I'm not really able to do much for you guys, so if you're having any problems, feel free to talk with me about them."

"It's fine, senpai! Just your existence gives us all hope, after all!...Though since you're asking.., um this isn't about me, specifically, but hypothetically, if a friend of mine was having a disagreement with another friend, one that she's been really close to for a long time...what advice could you give me, I mean my friend, hypothetically?"

Okay, this definitely has to be a thinly veiled question about her and Ichinomiya.

"Well, it would have to depend on the kind of disagreement your "friend" and her friend were having."

"Say she knew that her friend had done something bad. My friend wants her friend to admit to the bad things that they've done but the other party doesn't want to. Do you think my friend should confess on her friend's behalf or keep what she knows as a secret for her friend?"

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