66: heavyheavyheavy

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Josh had no place to go, he was still far from home in Hong Kong and had been staying at the hospital with Tyler. He couldn't keep the hotel room, and had no family there. He was screwed... he only had one option.

Josh: Brendo?

Brendon: I thought you were mad at me..

Josh: well.... I'm sorry I got so mad. We'll discuss this later but I have to ask you something

Brendon: anything for you

Josh: I need a place to crash... how long are you in Hong Kong for?

Brendon: I was supposed to leave yesterday but i had to see you again. I'm here until next Tuesday.

It was Wednesday.

Josh: do you think I could stay for the night? The hospital kicked me out for the night..

Brendon: okay, see you soon.

Josh: thanks man

He was nervous, What if Brendon did it again? Too many questions ran through his mind to even count. But he doing found himself on Brendon's hotel floor, in front of his door. He slowly made a weak fist and raised it to the door. The steel was rusted and the brown pain started to peel. He knocked swiftly with a tap tap tap. The doorknob jiggled for a moment before the door swung open and revealed Brendon, in his boxers with his black hair messy and his abs... god dang. Josh bit his lip and realized he was staring... and not at his face.

"S.. sup?" He stuttered the words and almost fainted.

"Come in mate."


Josh couldn't stop thinking about Tyler. TylerTylerTylerTylerTyler-

"Hey, so what's up with Tyler?"

Brendon plopped down on the couch beside Josh and cracked open a beer. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as the cold bitter liquid glided down his throat. Something about alcohol, it burns your throat but you do it anyway, just for the feeling. Kind of like other drugs.

"Oh... Tyler woke up."

"Man, that's great!"

"It's not exactly any different.."


"He's a vegetable. He has the brain of a baby... all he can do is make noises and drool. Tyler didn't really wake up... he just opened his eyes."

Brendon stared at Josh with sympathetic puppy dog eyes.

"I'm so sorry, man."

"Yeah, it's okay. Just hard, ya know?"

"I really don't, but I could imagine."


"But hey... I know I've only known y u for like a month but I want you to know that I'm here for you no matter what, I'll always support you."

Josh jerked his head to look at Brendon, and a sort of spark seemed to have ignited. They just stared... and it felt so right... to just... his lips were right... right... there...
there was no stopping this time. It was like a drug- he knew it was wrong, he knew it was a sin... but it made nothing else matter. It was addicting, the smell of Brendon's cologne mixed with his hair product was so hot. It made all of his problems seem to just disappear. Brendon was like Josh's personal brand of heroin or cocaine, once he had a taste he just couldn't stop, and it made him feel so good.  Their hairs stood on end, chills went down their spines and their breathing was heavy. Heavyheavyheavyheavy.  Josh opened his eyes and pulled away from Brendon. They spent the rest of the night making sweet love... but was it really love.. or just a sweet release?

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