Chapter 2

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"Anna what have you done?" her classmate and bestfriend, Clarisse asked. "I don't know! I don't know any of this!" Anna explained, tears falling down from her eyes. "Call Princess Laura immediately!" Clarisse shouted again.

"What happened?!" Laura asked worringly. "Ken was teasing her cooking "worms" then Anna got mad and a-after that!" Clarisse stopped short. "Please tell me, Clarisse!" Laura demanded. "Flames burst from her hands towards Ken!" Clarisse finished. "I know where we have to go!" Laura added in "Bring me my carriage please!"

After a one hour, Laura, Ken, Clarisse and Anna arrived at the foot of the castle. Laura immediatly led them to the royal library.

"This place is for the royal family only" Laura explained "And I know your highnesses (Refers to Queen Faydra and King Harold) would be obliged to enter you here for research of what happened a while ago". "This is enormous!" Ken and Clarisse said together. Laura and Anna laughed. "Just promise me, don't make any trouble and make noise, or else-" Laura stopped short "We couldn't find a way to disable Anna's power". So the four friends gone inside the library and started finding books for their research.

After five minutes of gathering books, the four friends sneaked out and gone to Anna and Laura's room.

"What have you got there, Laura?" Clarisse asked. "Magic and Mystical Creatures" Laura replied opening the book and surveying the pages. "Have found anything, sister?" Anna asked. "Not yet, but I will try to" Laura replied still looking at the pages cover-to-cover. "If that's the case, I'll just get some cookies and four glasses of milk down in the kitchen" Anna said to them "I'll see you guys later"

After half and a hour baking chocolate cookies, Anna ran up the stairs to her room. "Anna, we found something!" Clarisse told her. "Maybe the flame queen cursed you!"

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