Chapter 25

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Reine's p.o.v

He's gone. Elias is dead. Nobody could survive that fall, not even him. He had a shattered wing, he was barely able to fly is to the damned bridge in the first place. But on the other hand the cannibal leader was gone too, having fallen into the darkness with Elias. I wanted to stay by the chasm, to see if there was any chance he had survived, but the other cannibals were instantly looking for a way both down for their leader and across to get at me. My only choice was to leave.

"Hello, princess, where's your guard freak?" I could only glare at the snappy Black Pirate that Elias had so graciously saved. I couldn't tell him Elias was dead, he'd come after me in a second if he thought there would be no one to stop him.

"Out. What's it matter to you?"

"Nothing, just that I never see you two apart these days so I figured you stitched him to your side is all." Rolling my eyes, I scoff and fling some edible berries at his feet. He might be a vile human being, but he's still human and there aren't many of us left.

"Shut up and eat, the sooner you're able to leave the sooner Elias will let us leave too. You're lucky he found you out there instead of me, I would have sliced open your throat and be done with you. Especially after you attacked my family for years then had the audacity to show up at my home waving your guns like a mad lunatic itching for a fight." A wide smirk curling his lips and I could feel another snappy comment boiling.

"What, a small thing like you couldn't even hurt my weakest Pirate. How did you become the leader of that troupe anyway?"

"It's none of your business."

"Oh, I see. You gave head until you were the head. Got it." This comment snapped something in me, and I lunged forward to first punch him in the cheek to snap his head in the other direction. Once he turned back to face me, I held a knife I stole off his weapons belt to his jugular, pressing just hard enough to cause a trickle of blood to slide along his neck and under his shirt.

"If you ever speak to me that way again, I will remove your so-called family jewels and hang them from a tree for the Jabbers to snack on. I will not let you shit talk about me or my family ever again. I became their leader because I earned the right to be there. You have no idea of the things I've done and the things I can do. Am I understood?" We glared at one another, both unwilling to break the eye contact and submit to the other.

"Transparently." He growls through gritted teeth and I sit back on my side of the cave, his blade still held tightly in my hand. This was how we spent the rest of the day, sitting across from one another in simmering silence. Night came and I refused to sleep in case either the cannibals find us or by some miracle Elias came.

Dawn broke with the hard truth that Elias wasn't coming back. I was alone again, something I should never be. I decided I needed out of that small cave, I needed to breathe in fresh air and formulate a plan to get off this godforsaken island and back to my family. If there were any left. I work my way around a tree then two huge hands wrap around my mouth and stomach to press my back into the chest of a stranger.

"Thought you could get away, did you?" This wasn't someone I recognised, meaning it wasn't that idiot Pirate and neither was it Elias. It was a cannibal. Luckily I still had the knife I stole yesterday so I twirl it in my hands and jab as hard as I could into whatever flesh I could find. The male cried out and instinctively let go, letting me step free from his hold but I turned back to face him, he was going to give me answers right now.

"Why are you following me?" He glared up from his wound in his lower abdomen.

"Why wouldn't I? You killed our leader, revenge must be exacted."

"I didn't kill him, Elias did and he's just as dead as your leader. So try again, and this time, if I don't like your story I'll kill you where you stand." He scoffed like the Pirate did, his dark eyes scanning me over.

"A small thing like you? Please." I snapped again and used the knife to stab at the dip of his shoulder, the blade long enough to pierce through and bury itself into the tree behind him. The cannibal boy screamed through gritted teeth and went to yank it out but couldn't because pulling the knife out would hurt more than what it was right now.

"I wouldn't touch that, I stabbed through a bundle of nerves, meaning that when you try to take that out improperly, the backwards facing serrated edges will shred those nerves and you lose your arm functions. A cripple cannibal is a dead one. So you're going to answer my questions then maybe I'll remove the knife. First one, why are you really following me?"

"Chief always said nothing survives on this side of the island. But then two strangers climb the wall and proves him wrong. I wanted to know why my chief lied to his people."

"Well, we crashed here so it was just me and Elias but now it's just me here. Next one, why would you eat your own? Humans are limited enough as it is."

"Chief said it was natural selection from the gods. They were too weak for this world so they were to be sacrificed to serve the strong."

"Your chief is one fucked up person. Next, with your chief gone, what happens to your people?"

"I don't know, he's been our only chief."

"Well, it's time for a new revolution. If I were you, I would go back to them and tell them just how wrong he was. Become the chief and bring them over the wall to prove him a liar. Eating your own kind is wrong and those who are viewed as weak aren't meant to be meals, they are meant to be helped to grow stronger. But if you go back and make them worse, I will hunt you all down to the furthest corners of the world and I will dismember and hang your intestines from the trees. It will be so gruesome that not even the lowly Haggards will want to sniff in your direction. Am I understood?" The boy fearfully nodded and I removed the knife from his shoulder before carefully watching him vanish into the vegetation.

"That was quite the show, love."

Hello my lovely readers, I am so sorry this took so long! I had been on a trip to Florida and internet at my hotel was crappy to say the least. But now that I'm home and the Wi-Fi is beautiful here, I will work on publishing more chapters to this story when I have the time.

QnA: This is a double feature question for both this chapter and the last one! Do you think that Beryl and the Lost Boys along with Peter Pan can successfully trap Muriel the Great Lion Witch? And why do you think Reine says she can't be alone again?

Answer in the comments! I would love to see everyone's little theories on why!

Vote, comment, and enjoy as you please!

Stay crazy my little demons!

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease!

Down to Earth~ Sequel to Peter Pan's Dragon GirlWhere stories live. Discover now