The only fun I want to have doesn't include us leaving this hotel room. I walk over and grab my purse, shoving my phone in and gritting my teeth. So much for my own self-control—I have none when it comes to her. Not even two seconds after seeing her, I'm ready to strip and let her have her way with me.

Jade turns to walk away, taking only two steps before she stops, grabs my hand, and weaves her fingers through mine. I can't help but smile at the small gesture. Great. Holding hands has reduced me to a schoolgirl.

"Oh, and Perrie?" The hair on the back of my neck rises at the deep rasp in her voice. "Today we're going to talk and figure this out."

I nod, praying that we can figure out whatever's happening between us before it destroys everything I've worked for. No matter what I'm feeling for her, she needs to know that I won't sacrifice my career for this, for her, for anything.


"Where are we going?" I ask, grabbing my driver's license out of my wallet as she requested. We're waiting in line to get through security.

"This is the Navy base. I thought you might have fun doing something different," she replies, taking my license and handing it over to a guy with a rather large gun around her chest. I'm so confused.

"Wait," I say as she starts driving forward. "Did I miss something? Are you still in the Navy?" I narrow my eyes and she smiles over at me.

"No, but I'm a contractor, so I can still access the base. Also, I was a SEAL, so I called ahead to my friends and got all this cleared." Her smile widens as we pull up behind a fence.

"These are our plans?"

Jade doesn't say anything as she parks the truck. When she sneaks a peek at my expression, I can see the mischief dancing in her eyes. What in the ever-loving hell is she thinking? I'd be lying if I said I didn't love this side of her. I've never really enjoyed surprises, but she looks like a kid on Christmas morning and I don't want to spoil her mood.

I look around, trying to see exactly what she has planned for us on a Navy base. I can't see anything through the trees lining the fence, and my lack of information is quickly turning my excitement into anxiety. Jade leans over the console and grips my hand. I'm both relieved and annoyed by how my panic starts to ebb at her small touch. She squeezes once and exits the car. I climb out of the cab and squint, trying to decipher what the large tree-house-looking building is.

"Ready?" I flinch, my heart accelerating at the feel of her behind me. I didn't even hear her approach.

"Stop scaring me! Jesus, don't you make noise when you move?" I ask, slightly flustered. She lets out a loud, carefree laugh as she comes around. The look on her face is priceless, and her dimpled smile melts my momentary irritation.

"I'm just stealthy."

"I have no words for you." I smile and shake my head. "Stop scaring me all the time."

"You're just skittish. Maybe you should pay closer attention to what's going on around you." She pulls me in by my hips, right up against her chest. My eyes widen and the air expels from my lungs at the sudden contact. In a flash, her expression changes. Her eyes smolder and her voice is low and hoarse when she says, "Maybe soon you'll hear all the noises I make." I gasp as a shudder passes through me. She releases me without a word and walks toward the metal gate.

There are no words. I can't think of a single thing to say to her. Once again, Jade renders me speechless. She's flirtatious and seductive one moment and then a smartass then next. She's unlike any person I've ever met. Shaking my head to rid the turmoil in my mind, I gather my wits and walk over to her.

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