Isle of Night part I

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After a whole week Skyer Haddock Dragons and Hiccup Haddock Dragons are finally free from all the hard work of Berk so today when Skyer Dragons and Hiccup Dragons were flying in the air Skyer said "Looks like Berk's work is all done!"  Then Hiccup said "Yeah I guess" then Skyer said "Its been a whole week, we haven't explored any new islands" Hiccup said "I guess we didn't went on a new journey mission since that berserker attack!" Skyer said "Yeah but Pinkls took out all the ships but accidentally...."  before  Skyer finished her sentence Hiccup said "accidentally hit Berk so it took days to repair! I know right!" Skyer said "Yeah exactly, at least we managed to take out the ships" Hiccup said "Yep and you still need training for sure" Skyer said "yeah I do" then Skyer and Pinkls dived down fast but suddenly the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut came out of nowhere with their zippleback dragon Barf and Blach and crashed into Skyer and Pinkls but Pinkls dodged the twins then the twins fell into the water and said "I WANNA DO IT AGAIN!" Hiccup dived down and said "really!?" Then Skyer said "Why did you came here anyway?" Then Ruffnut replied "Your mom and dad are looking for you!" Then Tuffnut said "be careful they look very angry!" Laughed Tuffnut then Skyer said "yea, yea!" Skyer and Pinkls then flew fast to the Great Hall of Berk Then in a minute Hiccup said "Okay so..... see ya!" Hiccup and Toothless hurry and fly after Skyer and Pinkls and Hiccup says "hey wait for us!" Skyer replies "oh really?" Skyer and Pinkls fly faster then Hiccup soon catches up to Skyer and Pinkls after that in a minute they both Skyer and Pinkls, Hiccup and Toothless reach the Great Hall of Berk then they both land near the gates which are locked then Hiccup shouts "We're here mom! Dad!" Then Skyer shouts "Yeah!!" Then Skyer says "wonder whats going on.." then Hiccup says "Whatever it is I hope its not bad, its good" then Skyer says "yeah" Finally in a while they open the gates then as Skyer and Hiccup walk inside the quiet Great hall of Berk Stoick the vast steps forward with Valka and Gobber then they all look angry and scary then Hiccup slowly  says "something wrong dad?" Skyer says "Yeah? The berserkers? Or Alvin and the Outcasts?" Then Stoick says "No! Its something much better!" Then Hiccup asks "like what?" Stoick says "Its about the Dragons!" Then Skyer asks "Book of dragons? Is it missing? Heather!?" Then Hiccup says "Yeah is it one of those?" Stoick says "no, no! Its about Bork's papers! We decided everything about Dragons should be given to you two Skyer and Hiccup!" Finally Gobber gives Skyer and Hiccup a chest but when Hiccup takes it its to heavy then Skyer says "let me help" Skyer easily takes the heavy chest and runs outside then Hiccup runs after her then Skyer and Hiccup takes the chest to their home after a few hours before sleeping Skyer asks Hiccup "Is everyone sleeping?" Hiccup hurries and quietly checks on everyone then comes back upstairs and says "yes" then Skyer says "okay perfect!" Then Skyer and Hiccup opens the chest.....

Next part will be published soon.

Skyer and Hiccup Adventures On BerkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang