The loki's mirage!

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Well as the morning of twenty five (25) April strikes! Soon on Five (5) o clock strikes Skyer Haddock Dragons wakes up so does Hiccup Haddock Dragons soon they get up and run to the washroom and take a bath then they both Skyer Dragons and Hiccup Dragons put on their cloths (armor) soon as both Skyer and Hiccup are ready they soon run to Pinkls the Ice Alpha and Toothless the Lava Alpha! Both their dragons Pinkls and Toothless are sleeping anyway the Loki's mirage is without dragons so they just directly run off outside but first they have to secretly get the keys under their dad Stoick the Vast's pillow! As soon as they stole the keys then they open the door and put the keys back then walk outside and just close the door without locking it then they both run around all Berk and have fun! They even climb a tree branch then they jump on a few houses and then soon they run and jump to the Loki's mirage! Soon it starts to get cloudy then before lighting or rain starts they hurry inside a cave as they find themselves in a mysterious cave soon they walk inside they see a big white stone as Skyer steps up on it,  it still doesn't works the gate doesn't opens to Skyer steps down then Hiccup steps up and tries to open the gate but it still doesn't works so Skyer and Hiccup both step up and hold their hands then the gates open and then Skyer and Hiccup both run inside as they get deeper they hear a rolling ball it slides down every one minute (1 min) so Skyer and Hiccup wait for the right time then they hold hands and jump right down and slide all the way to a river then they hurry and swim before the rolling ball completes seven (7) rounds and fall slide here so as they land on a beach they run upstairs soon the stairs end but the next clue is on the other side so Skyer and Hiccup jump to the side of the mountain then soon they start climbing up as they get higher and higher they finally reach the other side then they get up and see a ice mountain so they start climbing it and find another cave opening and then they jump to it soon as they get deeper inside the cave its totally dark then they open their lights and find a letter note it says "Dear whoever finds this I'm just hear to say if you go any deeper you will die! You must never enter the cave of hollows! This place is the master of all shadows!
From the great and powerful Dectriod!" Then Skyer and Hiccup both fearlessly step forward as they went deeper and see a sign says "Welcome to the cave of hollows!" As they get deeper in the great cave of hollows they see another sign that says "Welcome to your death" but fearlessly and bravely both Skyer and Hiccup walk deeper and find a pool of hot water the other side is a but far then Hiccup sees a rope then first Skyer goes she uses the rope to jump to the other side soon as Skyer makes it safely then Hiccup jumps and uses the rope to jump bigger and get to the other side soon as they both make it to the side safely then they start to run and find some stairs and find a sign which say "Good bye see you in the halls of Valhalla!" But still both Skyer and Hiccup fearlessly climb up and see a black sand wraith as Skyer takes out her sword then Hiccup shouts "What are you doing!?" Then Skyer says "Just let me do this!" Then Hiccup says "Alright...." Hiccup steps away as Skyer run after the black sand wraith it seems like Skyer's attacking it but Skyer runs closer to the black sand wraith then the black sand wraith closes its eyes it fear then as Skyer gets close enough to the black sand wraith she throws her sword away and does the hand thing and tames the black sand wraith soon both Skyer and Hiccup ride it and fly up fast then the whole cave starts to break and soon the whole cave destroys. Rocks fall and block paths to go back so Skyer and Hiccup see a chest and grab it then they fly away and see a opening where they can see the sunlight then soon Skyer and Hiccup fast fly out of the cave and fly to Dragon island and return the black sand wraith then they do a night fury and ender fury call both Pinkls and Toothless here it then Pinkls gets up and hurries grabs her saddle and flies out of the window then Toothless doesn't gets up he still sleeps then Pinkls comes back to Toothless and growls and wakes Toothless up then Toothless hurries and grabs his saddle soon they start looking for Skyer and Hiccup on Berk but Skyer shouts "Pinkls!!!!!!" Pinkls hears it and starts to fly to that duration where she heard the sound then Hiccup shouts "Toothless!!!!!" Soon Toothless flies with Pinkls then in a hour they reach the shores of dragon island and land then the hurry run to their riders Skyer and Hiccup and then Skyer hurries and runs to Pinkls and hugs her. Hiccup runs to Toothless and hugs him. Then Pinkls hugs Skyer back tightly. And Toothless hugs Hiccup back tightly too. Then in a minute Skyer takes Pinkls saddle and places it on Pinkls then Hiccup takes Toothless saddle and places it on Toothless then Skyer rides Pinkls and Hiccup rides Toothless then soon it starts to get rainy the clouds get darker so Skyer and Hiccup hurry so they don't get wet or what they will say to Valka their mom but then as it starts to rain then Skyer and Hiccup both realize that there already wet from swimming in the Loki's mirage challenge so they fly to Berk carefully soon the reach the great shores of Berk then they land and hurry to there house then instead of going inside from the door they use the window of their room to get inside soon Skyer and Hiccup hurry to the washroom and take a bath then they wear there night suits and come back outside as Pinkls and Toothless both sleep then they open the chest they found in the Loki's mirage challenge they find a letter from Astrid then they read it, it says  "Hello Skyer and Hiccup! I hope you enjoyed the Loki's mirage challenge we made for your ninth (9th) birthday party! I was the one who wrote all that to make you get scared but we knew you would move forward and your mother Valka trained this black sand wraith and also taught it to don't blast or shoot this black sand wraith helped us a lot.
From your friend Astrid Hofferson" then Hiccup said "I knew the hand writing matched Astrid's hand writing!" Then Skyer said "Better sleep in the night" then Hiccup said "yeah" then they putted the chest away and slept soon on ten (10) o clock they woke up and ran to Astrid Hofferson then she asked "How was the Loki's mirage challenge??" Then both Skyer and Hiccup said "It was great!!!"

Next chapter will be published soon

Skyer and Hiccup Adventures On Berkحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن