Where did you go?

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"AHHHHH! SCHOOL IS OVER! Arlene screamed at the top of her lungs while leaving the school with Elisabeth, and Yuliza.

"Helloooo summer! I cannot wait until you guys come over and then we can have some serious fun!" Elisabeth was really looking forward to this summer. They were finally able to do more fun things together, since they were finally old enough to drive. Now, they can drive to places.

"Yeah, lets just hope we don't end up in jail like last summer" Yuliza shivers.

"Well, you can't say that it wasnt thrilling!" Arlene says.

"Oh, it was thrilling all right!" Yuliza laughs "I still remember Elisabeth's face when we got caught, it was priceless"

"Oh, be quiet Yuliza, I still remember the way you... you... uh... when you... " Elisabeth studdered.

"You ain'tgot nothing on me!" Yuliza yelled joyfully.

"I will have something on you... one day" Elisabeth made a malicious laugh.

"I got to go, see ya 'round" Arlene quickly walked over to her truck. It was a nice black truck that she jad just gotten a week ago, man you could tell that she loved her truck.

"Bye!" Yuliza and Elisabeth said in unison. After a weird conversation between them two, they left and went home.


"Bye mom, I'm going to Arlene's place for a bit!" Elisabeth was pumped to leave since today was the most perfect day to go to the park.

"Ok Elisabeth, just make sure to feed Boo!" Elisabeth's mom replied. Elisabeth walked out and saw Ava, her younger sister. She had a soccer ball and was practicing.

"Hey Elisabeth, what are you up to?" Ava was a great soccer player, she was the quickest thinker in the soccer team.

"Just heading to Arlene's, but first I need to feed Boo." Once she said "Boo" a beautiful black lab came trotting to her with a chew toy.

"Here you go Boo" Elisabeth said while giving him a bowl with fresh water and another bowl of food. With that, Elisabeth hopped in her car, and raced off, on her way to Arlene's house.

15 minutes later...

"Probably should've let her know I was coming over... lol" Elisabeth took her phone out of her pocket and texted Arlene that she was there and she needs to open the door. No answer. Elisabeth peeked through the window and sees...

"There is nobody there! Usually, Princess the chihuahua is there, barking her head off. And it's weird Arlene won't answer my text."  Elisabeth calls Arlene, but the ringing sounds weird. Elisabeth puts her phone in her pocket and tries to open the door.

"Its unlocked?" Elisabeth carefully walks in and shuts the door.

"Arleneeee? Please don't be playing another joke on me!" Elisabeth goes to Arlene's room and sees that most of her stuff is gone. Except, she sees a paper on the bed. She picks it up and begins to read it outloud...

This One Summer...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin