Five: Someone I Met on the Net

Start from the beginning

Oh, I don't know.

I signed out of and started my car, it's a BMW for your information.

I drove in full speed and atlast, I reached the school.

I rushed inside the gates and sprinted up the stairs towards my first period class, Physics.

I peeked on the window sill of the door and the teacher is already discussing.

No freaking way.

I knocked and the teacher opened the door.

Oh, it's Mr. Norwege.


The 48 year old Physics professor.

He always wear blue, I noticed that and he gets easily pissed especially on late students.

Oh great.

I'm so lucky.

"Mr. Milton, I believe you got an explanation?!" He scolded.

I glance at him and answered as honest as I could.

"I got bored and so I was chatting with people on the net and didn't notice the time that's why." I replied sheepishly, even if I know this could get me in hot water.

"Do you not know how to manage your time?!?" He raised his voice once more making his eyes bulge.

I shrugged my shoulders and replied,

"I tried."

I can sense the atmosphere get a little-- smoky.

Maybe it's because of the raging teacher infront of me and all of a sudden, he diverted his attention on another person.


❁ Kimberly Wales ❁

I'm late!

Oh gawd, no please help.

I drove off my Ferrari and went to school.

Damn traffic.

I arrived outside the school's gates exactly eight o' clock and ten minutes in the morning.

Who's my first class again?

Oh no, Mr. Norwege!!

I ran as fast as I could towards the corridor and up the stairs, right, left..

*Huff Huff*

Yep, room 345.

I opened the door and--



I moaned in pain as I rubbed my forehead.

I look up and saw Troy gazing back at him with a surprised look on his face.

"What?" I asked sheepishly.

"N-Nothing." He replied nervously.

His cheeks suddenly turned a bit crimson colored and then I remembered..

OMG. Isn't youdontknowwhoiam_18 also late to school?

Could it be?!

No! What the heck!

He is the complete opposite!

I mean.. youdontknowwhoiam_18 is a said to be popular guy but he is somewhat like me.

He is secretive and he has this hidden side of him that I just found out yesterday.

He is misunderstood.

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