Max's hometown visit part 1

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Finally it was Friday, the day started off like any other. Good morning kisses, Breakfast with Chloe and Rachel, Classes, Hanging out, More classes..The final bell rung and everyone was filing out of their last classes discussing what plans they had over the weekend. There were only two more weeks until graduation for them so most assignments were for fun and not for grade.

Victoria and Max waved goodbye to their friends and headed to Victoria's car parked in the lot. They had packed the things they were to bring for the trip earlier in the day and placed them in her backseat and trunk. The car would be 3 hours depending on how the traffic was. Their schedule was going pretty well and the GPS was set for Max's parents house.

They had made a few pit shops for bathroom breaks and gas of course, By the time they reached the house it was almost 8 p.m. The Caulfield residence was a simple three story house with a garage on the side and a wood picket fence with children's toys splayed out on the front lawn. The girls got out of the car and stretched before retrieving their luggage. They walked up side by side to the front door, Right as Max got her house key out the door slammed opened with two little brown blurs rushing out.

Two loud voices were first heard "MAXXXXX!" "MAXIEEEEE!", Two little brown blurs crashed into Max hugging her. They had almost knocked her over. "You little dweebs! You nearly scared me to death".

The first voice spoke "We're sooooo sorry Max, but we missed you! It's been like a bajillion years since we've seen you".

The second rung out in agreement "Yeah Maxie! I'm surprised you're not like old by now".

Max chuckled at her brothers comments, She had been so wrapped up into talking to them that she had forgotten about Victoria who was standing by her looking unsure of what to do or say. She facepalmed. 'Right introduce her to them idiot'.

Max grabbed the attention of her brothers who were arguing over which superhero was the best, "Guys! I'd like you meet someone very special to me. This is my girlfriend Victoria. Tori these are my brothers Danny and Robby". Danny had freckles on his cheeks and had messy brown hair, Robby was the same but he was sporting faux hawk.

Robby spoke first once again sticking out his hand for her to shake it (he was the older twin by 3 minutes) "Nice to meet you Victoria, If you hurt Max then I'll come and find you got it?" He tried to put on an intimidating face but on a six year old it was just plain adorable. She masked her laugh with a cough and shook his hand.

"Yeah! You better not hurt Maxie that would be really mean and mommy or daddy wouldn't like that" Danny said next shaking her hand. She shook his hand too gushing at how cute they were.

Vanessa came out of the door next to greet them, "Maxine! We have missed you and who is this fine young lady? Is this the mystery Victoria we've heard so much about? It's a pleasure to meet you I'm Vanessa Max's mom. MADISON GET DOWNSTAIRS YOUR SISTER IS HERE!". Vanessa had brown hair down to her shoulders and age lines but she had aged well.

A voice in the distance was heard "Momma! I'll be there soon!".

Another figure approached the door, a man with brown hair and wearing glasses "Maximillion! Welcome home you know you should really visit more often otherwise you won't recognize your old man...Oh! and who is this pretty lady? A special someone Maxie huh? Hi I'm Ryan Max's dad and you must be Victoria. Now what are your intentions with my daughter?" Ryan finished off in a low scary voice that made Victoria shudder.

"Daddy stop it! You're scaring her!" Max playfully scolds her father.

"Awww I was just having fun, but seriously nice to meet you...let's head inside and finish this chat. Uh boys pick up your toys and get washed up for dinner", Ryan said to the twins leading Max and Victoria in the house.

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