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"Oops, I'm sorry are you okay? Victoria?!" Max said turning around and saw it was Victoria.

"Max?!" Victoria said in shock.

"Surprise!" Rachel and Chloe suddenly appeared in front of them with grins on their faces.

Ohhhh boy...This was going to be interesting.

'Wowzer, she looks so beautiful...What should I do? Speak?' Max nervously stood there just looking at Victoria who was avoiding looking back at her. Chloe and Rachel weren't paying attention to the pair...They were waiting for the pair to start talking to each other. Their plan just had to work...But they were wrong when Victoria was looking around for the nearest exit. Once she saw Max, all of the memories of the day her heart got broken started flooding back. That meant she was started to feel hurt again.

She pushed her way through the crowd and headed towards the exit, she didn't see the hurt look on Max's face or even notice Chloe following her. Once she was outside, she started crying for a few minutes before composing herself and started walking back in the direction of the dorms...She was stopped however by Chloe who stepped in front of her, she tried to side step but it didn't work. Chloe got behind her and pushed her back to the gym. She pouted and let the blue haired girl lead her back to the party.

As they got into the party, Chloe pulled her aside by the drink station and encouragingly said "At least say hi, I know for a fact a Chase isn't a chicken" She smiled at Victoria who playfully rolled her eyes. They looked around in the party for Rachel and Max...They looked confused when they couldn't find them. Chloe decided to text Rachel. "Did y'all leave?". They decided on waiting and got some drinks.

After seeing Victoria exit the party, Max ran for the locker rooms and sat down a bench. Rachel followed her and tried to calm her down...She looked at her phone and saw the text from Chloe and texted back saying "She ran to the locker rooms, we will be right out...Don't leave".

She turned her attention back to a now calm Max, "Just say hi...that's a start, right? Then we can go back to my dorm and watch movies alright?" Max smiled and nodded. 'I can do this, it's only saying hi right?' She gave Rachel a reassuring look then was led to her doom...I mean her ex and Chloe were.

They walked to where Victoria and Chloe were by the drinks. Once they got by them, Max could see that Victoria had been crying...She also noticed that the other girl looked like she hadn't slept recently either and just caked her face up in makeup. She had known the blonde and all her secrets or so she thought.

"Umm, Hi Tori" Max nervously said to the tall blonde, whose heart skipped a beat at the sound of her former nickname.

Victoria mustered all of the confidence she had left "Hello Maxine" she silently cursed herself for sounding pissed off. She wasn't pissed off anymore, she was just hurt now. She needed to get out there before she cried in a room of half of the student body. She turned to Chloe, her umm friend? Acquaintance? No longer enemy? She whispered in Chloe's ear "I want to leave now". Chloe was about to say something about staying and chatting when she saw Victoria's teary pleading eyes.

Chloe was about to make up an excuse to leave when Rachel saved her "Well, we've got to go..nice chat I guess byeee" Rachel tapped a distracted Max's shoulder signaling that they could leave now, they started towards the farthest exit. Max getting one last glance at Victoria who looked back at her with sad eyes. Once they got outside, Max let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in. Rachel looked down to her with a soft smile. She put her arm around Max's shoulder giving her side hug. "So movies and pizza? Please" She asked hoping the other girl would agree. Max giggled at Rachel's eagerness nodding. They headed to Rachel's dorm room.

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