Caesar salad and cheeseburgers

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Max and Victoria arrived at the two whales diner for lunch unbeknownst about the shenanigans that were about to take place during their hang out. Joyce, the lovely waitress and mother of Chloe Price walked over to their table and took their order. Max ordered her usual double cheeseburger with fries and Fruit Punch as she has since she was a child.

Victoria on the hand ordered a Caesar salad with grilled chicken in it with Caesar sauce on the side and Lemon Tea without looking at the meal, Joyce looks confused at the request and mouths to Max 'What is a Caesar salad?',when Victoria isn't looking up and looking down at her phone Max shrugs and mouths back 'Just put some lettuce in a bowl with some vegetables'. Joyce takes their meals and walks away muttering something about "Rich Teenagers".

Once they get their meals they quietly eat them, Victoria doesn't seem notice the different taste in her salad. their silence is broken when suddenly a fry is thrown in Victoria's direction and hits her in the face. "What the fuck Caulfield?!", she exclaims at Max. "What?", Max says looking up confused. Being even more pissed off Victoria explains rudely to Max "look, I know you may have been raised in a barn but that doesn't give you the right to throw food at me"...still confused Max scratches her head and just shrugs her shoulders. She explains that she didn't throw anything then goes back to eating.

Two tables down from the pair was Chloe hidden behind a meal giggling like a child hyped up on candy...across from her was Rachel rolling her eyes she explains to the silly blue haired girl, "Chloe, I don't think it's right to sabotage their hangout just because you are going to lose 20 bucks". Chloe challenges her with a smirk then questions "What makes you think I will lose the bet?"...Rachel laughs then says confidently "Remember what happened last time you made a bet".


A few months ago

"Max is gonna return from Seattle soon to go to Blackwell Academy", Chloe says as they are chilling in their usual spot in the junkyard.

"That will be nice for you, you two can catch up then all three of us can hang out!", Rachel says excited with a smile of her face as she plays her mixtape Chloe made for her for Christmas.

"I BET you she won't remember me or anything" Chloe replies back.

"Oh really, you wanna make that bet official", Rachel says with a challenging stare.

"A Price never backs out of a bet so Bring. it. on. Amber." Chloe challenges her back.

They set the bet for 20 bucks then shuck on it.

Flashback ends

Chloe crosses her arms slumping in her seat with a pout on her face..."How many TIMES are you gonna mention that? I was hella fucking stupid then, but I'll win a bet, plus I got plenty more tricks up my sleeves", Chloe says rubbing her hands together mischievously. Rachel just smirks back because she knows her friend won't win this one "Haha sure just don't go too far, we don't wanna hurt them" then starts to eat her food...Chloe grumbles then goes back to looking at the pair that is two tables from them "Yeah yeah whatever". When she looks up again, she sees Rachel looking at her with a serious look on her face "What did you say?" Rachel glares at her. "I, err mean yeah" Chloe replies unconvincingly. Rachel just looks at her rolling her eyes then starts to eat her food again.

Back at Max and Victoria's table, the two are looking at their phones at their social media apps. Max decides to speak and say "Hey Victoria?", Victoria looks up from her phone with a scowl on her face "What is it Caulfield?". Max starts nervously rubbing the back of her neck which has become a habit for her these days..."Umm, when are we going to leave?" Victoria checks her phone and sees it's time for them to leave then says "Oh umm now I guess". The two pay their meals and head for the door, both unaware that Chloe is looking at them with a Mischievous grin and that she has planned something special for them during their mall hangout.

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