Friday the 13th (special chapter)

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"Chloe! I'm serious if you find a penny you are supposed to pick it up and you'll have good luck all day" Max quips from the front seat reading off the list of superstitions.

Chloe, Max, Rachel, and Victoria were going to a camp ground for the weekend...Ironically the day they were going was Friday the 13th, Max had been spending the last hour reading Chloe superstitions from a list she found on google.

The list read as:

1. See a penny, pick it up then you will have good luck all day

2. Don't walk under a ladder

3. A rabbit's foot will bring you good luck

4. Don't cross the path of a black cat

5. Don't you dare break a mirror

6. Step on a crack, break your mother's back

7. No opening umbrellas inside

Chloe started making fun out of it and mocking Max for her superstitions.

"Oh my gosh! Maxie pad, I think I just saw a black cat...we are soooooo screwed" Chloe mocked laughing her ass off.

"Where?!" Max looks around scared out of her mind.

Victoria took notice of this and reached in the backseat without taking her eyes off the road and smacked Chloe upside the head. "Leave her alone! You know she gets like this on Friday the 13th", Victoria yells at Chloe who is rubbing her head. Rachel was laughing her ass off at the whole exchange, she was enjoying every moment of this.

"Chloe, leave Max alone...Come on, let's play a game on my phone. Vicky, how long til we get there?" Rachel says as Chloe picks the game before turning her attention at Victoria who is checking the GPS.

Victoria looks at the GPS "Hmm...about 15 minutes, Cleo I still can't believe your parents let you go after that all little stunt you pulled at the mall".

" name is Chloe and yeah well I didn't tell them. They think I'm staying at Rachel's dorm for the weekend" Chloe says before looking back at the game on Rachel's phone.

The car was quiet after her comment, they all knew Chloe wasn't a good liar. Max looked out the window, she noticed a sign that read "now entering campground".

The campsite looked like out of that movie Friday the 13th 'Hmm...weird' she thought as Victoria pulled into the eerie sight. Victoria parked the car at a small area by the lake that had enough space for two tents. The four girls got out of Victoria's car and went to get their supplies from the blonde's trunk. It had been decided before the trip that Rachel and Chloe were going to share a tent. Victoria and Max were going to share one.

The girls sent by their tents without any trouble and put their items into their respected tent.

"Guys! We should go swimming!" Rachel excitedly said getting her swimsuit out of her luggage.

The rest of them agreed and went to get their swimming suits. Once they were all dressed in swimming attire, they went to the lake. The lake looked really pretty, it overlooked the horizon with a small island not far by them.

"COWLABUNGA!" Rachel shouted cannonballs into the lake making a big splash. The other three laughed at Rachel's antics.

The rest of them jumped into the lake.

"This is so nice" Max declares swimming around.

"Yeah, I wish we could do this every weekend...Classes are so stressful" Victoria agrees floating in the water.

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