Lets go to the movies

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Chloe was standing in front of the judge dressed in her best attire, a black dress with her signature boots and her beanie. It had a week since the whole food fight incident, and the worst thing was that she still had to pay off the money she owed Max, Rachel and Victoria.

'I would've gotten away with it' she thinks scowling as the Judge was reading off her offenses, she looked into the seating area where her mother was sitting with her stepfather. Max couldn't come but wished her good luck, Rachel had stuff to do but said she would be by her place later if her parents allowed it. Finally after what seemed like an hour, the judge hit the gavel.

"This has got to be the worst case of vandalism, trespassing, destruction I've seen in my 20 years of work...normally you would get serious jail time for these offenses but you can thank your stepfather for this, who has made a deal with the DA for you get to a lesser sentence. 5 years of community service and staying away from any public shopping center for 8 years. You will working on bettering your community along with yourself. Your stepfather says the school you used to go to umm Blackwell Academy needs more security guards so you will be shadowing him for 3 years and the rest of your sentence you will be helping out at the local soup kitchens" *Gavel bangs* "Case Closed, Next Case!" The Judge says.

Chloe's jaw drops as she is released into the hands on her parents, the drive home is silent. She is shocked 'I can't believe I have to spend the next 3 years helping out step-douche' she thought as the car stopped in the driveway.

"You start work on Monday" David says as they get out of the car.

"Yeah sure" Chloe says she swiftly walks into the house 'Wait til Rachel hears about my punishment'.

At Blackwell Academy, Max and Victoria were finally going to hang out without any pranks or bets being made. The plan for the two of them is for dinner, a movie and finishing off with a sleepover in Victoria's room. Max packed her overnight bag, hoping that nothing bad would happen during their time together and she texted Victoria saying she was ready. A lot has changed between them after what happened with the mall fiasco, they text frequently now, got coffee every morning before class and discussed about life, and even sit together in class and crack jokes only the two of them know.

Max couldn't shake the nervous feeling in her tummy. 'Maybe I like her more than a friend...but no she probably only likes boys' she thought as her phone chimed indicating that she had gotten a text message from Victoria.

VictoriaI just have to finish up getting ready, you can come by whenever you like. XOXO

MaxAlright :D

Max picked up her bag and headed out the door, sending a silent prayer to the gods 'Let's hope all goes accordingly'.

Back in Victoria's, she finished applying her makeup. The past few weeks of hanging out with Max at school had been the best since their failed mall trip. Her parents were mad at her small jail time but once she told about who really started the food fight, they understood but they still punished her. She had been feeling some of feelings whenever she was around Max...giddy, was it? She couldn't describe but it was a good feeling. There would be playful banter between them and playful flirting but they were just friends. Right?

Her friends had asked her about the newfound friendship between the two, she just tells them about the mall experience and that they bonded over it...Taylor and Courtney didn't say anything about the constant giggling Victoria would do whenever she texted the short brunette or Victoria ditching them every morning to get coffee with the short brunette, they just keep quiet and pass it off as them being close friends. Victoria heard a knock on her door indicating that it was Max. 'She is so modest and sweet, Courtney or Taylor would just barge in'. She walks over to answers the door after checking her makeup in her mirror to see Max standing and sees she has her overnight bag she remembers, 'Oh yeah that's right we have a sleepover'.

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