Chapter Twenty-Six~ Ezra

Start from the beginning

That was another reason why he was so happy. Since his parents were going out, he had invited Adrian over to spend time together as they used to. He was actually getting a bit nervous because his mother had said they would be leaving at five, so he had instructed Adrain to get a ride to his house for 5:10, and it was currently 5:05 and his parents showed no signs of leaving.

"She did- are you going now?" he asked quickly and his father smiled, looking at him like they had all the time in the world.

"In a minute". As long as he meant that literally Ezra would be fine.

They ended up staying a lot longer than just a minute. They stayed for ten extra minutes, but luckily Adrian was late.

It ended quite nicely, really. As Ezra's parents turned off of their street and he waved goodbye to them, Adrian's mother pulled onto the street, driving directly passed his parents, and Ezra continued to wave until they stopped in front of his house.

Adrian's mother looked delighted to see him, and this apparently annoyed Adrian because he grabbed Ezra's arm and began pushing him towards the house before he could officially say hello. "Why do you always need to be so nice to my parents?" Adrian asked as he shut the door behind them and Ezra raised his eyebrows.

"Well I want them to like me". Adrian rolled his eyes but didn't say anything else. Instead he look a step forward so he was standing directly in front of him and pressed a kiss against him lips. "Hello dear," Ezra said, grinning and admiring the beautiful boy in front of him. "How many pairs of converse do you own?" Today Adrian was wearing a bright orange pair that matched his shirt, and Adrian pouted as if it was an insult.

"A lot," he said, grinning then and wrapping his arms around Ezra's neck as he shuffled them backwards towards the couch. "I don't buy them. My parents don't want people to know that they're bad parents and hate me, so every once and awhile they give me a hundred or so dollars and I don't really need the money so I buy shoes". Ezra fell back onto the couch with Adrian on top of him.

"Couldn't you save it to go to college?" Ezra asked, kissing Adrian's throat and gently pulling the skin between his teeth. Adrian laughed.

"Ezra, I'm a sophomore in advanced college calculus. They literally have a professor come over from the college to teach it because there's only two kids in that class, and I have a ninety eight percent".

Ezra hummed, kissing at the corners of Adrian's lips, going back and forth from one to the other but never landing in the middle. "What's your point".

"My point is that I really don't need to be saving money for college since some schools are willing to pay me to attend".

"So cocky," Ezra said, pecking Adrian on the lips and then pulling back before the other could respond to his kiss.

Adrian pouted. "Do you not like it when I'm cocky?"

Ezra loved him all the time, but he didn't say this. "Well what if I don't?"

Adrian braced himself about him then and looked down at him, his eyes sparkling mischievously as he said lustfully, "Then you punish me". Ezra's eyebrows raised and he felt the corner of his mouth twitch.

Adrian squealed as Ezra flipped their positions, pinning the younger underneath him now, bracing his arms by either side of his head as Adrian wrapped both of his short legs around Ezra's waist. "Prepare to be punished".

"Fuck yes," Adrian breathed, and then they were kissing, their mouths immediately open as Ezra dominated the younger, immediately taking the control that Adrian barely fought for before submitting.

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