Chapter Eight~ Adrian

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Adrian couldn't believe all that had happened today. It was quite possibly the best birthday ever. Not only had he gotten to actually see Ezra for who he was, to understand him a bit better, he had also gotten a second chance being physical with him.

And Adri had loved every single second. Every. agonizing. second.

Adrian had no idea how many times he and David had sex before (it was a lot) but never once, after any of those times, did Adrian feel as he did now. Now he just felt happy. Completely satisfied. Adrian felt... he didn't know what the other feeling was, but it was a good one.

And kissing was fun. It always bothered David that Adrian would never let him kiss him. Kissing was to show people that you cared about them, Adrian believed, and while he cared about David, he never had in that way. No matter how many times the older man had if he wanted to be exclusive, Adrian just couldn't. If he couldn't even kiss him, how could he date him. The feeling sjist weren't there.

But Ezra? There was just something different about him. Something wonderful that made Adrian want to kiss him. All the time. Even when he was supposed to be teaching him, which could possibly give him the title of a bad tutor, but somehow, it seemed like kissing would be worth it.

With a loud sigh, Adrian sat up in his bed, which he had been lying in for the past five minutes. As he stated at the ceiling, he smiled stupidly, thinking about the kiss him and Ezra had shared only minutes before. How tender it was.

God he had a great night. He wanted to call El and talk to her about it, but he still didn't know where him and Ezra stood, and wanted to respect Ezra's wishes, even if that meant he couldn't tell his best friend how he was feeling.

But, he realized, he could tell her that he had met someone.

Helen picked up on the second ring. "Hey babe, how's your birthday going?" Adrian giggled. "I know that sound. What happened?"

"I had the best sex of my life".

"With Ezra?"

Adrian had no idea how she would have known this since he had yet to give any names. "Uh... what?"

"I said Ezra. You know, Ezra Drake? The guy who drove you to his house after school so you could help him study?" Her voice was taunting and he closed his eyes. Fuck. He forgot that she had known they were supposed to study. Luckily, Adrian excelled at lying (he had done it to is parents for years), and they were talking over the phone. It was easier to lie to his best friend when she couldn't see his face.

"Not Ez-" If he had said his name, as he normally did now, she would know he was lying. "Not him".

"Then who?" El sounded unsuspicious and Adrian relaxed, allowing his happiness to take over once more.

"Just a guy I met afterwards".

"Alright," She said, and he heard her bed creak all the way across town over the phone. "So tell me about this amazing sex. I'm assuming you were receiving. Right, uke?"

"Of course". Adrian had always prefered to be fucked rather than fuck someone else, though he had yet to try the second. "Amazing sex. It was just..."

"Amazing?" She guessed. He didn't know a better way to describe it.

"You know how with David I'm usually in charge?"

"You do all the work".

"Yeah. But this was different, Helen. I let someone else take control". The other end of the phone was quiet. "I let someone else kiss me, El".

Things I Hate About Adrian Vang (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now