Chapter Seventeen~ Ezra

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Ezra was simply too in love to hide it anymore. He needed to tell people. Lately, all he wanted to talk about was Adrian, but the only people he could speak to about this topic were Adrian himself, and Spencer. Adrian found Ezra's happiness cute, but Spencer was slowly getting more and more annoyed with it, and Ezra realized that if this relationship was to continue, which it most definitely was, he needed to tell the rest of his team.

But first, he needed to tell Adrian that he was ready for this, and he always did after school, he found Adrian in the bandroom.

Benson, that was the name of the band teacher, he had learned at the beginning of this week, looked up at him when he entered and then gestured to Adrian's usual practice room. Ezra glanced to the one that they had se- made love in that one time and watched the black haired boy play piano for a moment.

Adrian opened the door as he got to it. "Hey, Ez," he greeted and Ezra smiled at him softly, looking him up and down. Today in language arts, Adrian had arrived to class late, and with their relationship still being a secret Ezra couldn't exactly just turn around randomly and smile. That would be making it obvious. Adrian had left the room as soon as the bell rang too, and had been absent for lunch, so this was the first time that he had seen him all day.

The clip in Adrian's hair matched his gold shirt, and he was wearing tight black pants that had Ezra's mind running wild. "Where have you been all day, stranger?" he asked, sliding his arms around the smaller waist and gently nudging him back into the practice room and closing the door.

It was Thursday so three days since he had been officially introduced to the band teacher, but he still felt weird with the man over hearing all of their conversations, even the ones that weren't private.

Adrian looked a bit sad and Ezra cupped his face. "Well my mother refused to give me a ride so I had to walk to school, so I was late," that explained first hour, "even though I was supposed to get here early to talk to Ms. Baker so I had to rush out of first hour today," and that explained where he had gone directly afterwards.

"And lunch?" he wasn't trying to pry, he was merely curious. He wanted to know anything and everything there was to know about Adrian.

"It's thursday, Ezra. I'm in here every thursday for lunch". Ezra groaned. He had already knew this and was annoyed with himself for forgetting.

"I'm sorry, babe," he said sincerely, pressing his forehead against Adrian's. "Look at me, forgetting all this stuff already. I'm a horrible boyfriend". He pouted and Adrian giggled, leaning forwards and sexilly brighting his lower lip.

"You are not," he refuted and Ezra grinned. I love you, he wanted to say, but he was going to wait until the team knew about their relationship. That reminded him...

"Hey, babe, guess what I'm going to do tonight?" Ezra asked and Adrian's eyebrows raised a bit and he looked confused.

"Play soccer?"

"Well besides that. I'm going to tell everyone about us". He paused, "if that's okay with you," he added quickly. Adrian looked shocked at his words.

"It is... okay with me," the Sophomore said, his eyes running up and down Ezra's face, studying him carefully. "Ez, you really don't have to do that". Adrian had taken to calling him Ez more often and Ezra was beginning to love it, though it had always annoyed him when Spencer had done it.

"I want to, Adri. I..." love you came to his mind again but he wasn't going to do it, "I'm so happy with you, and I'm serious about our relationship. I want them to know about us". He spoke with passion and Adrian's eyes lit up at the sound. Without warning, he pushed himself up onto his toes and kissed Ezra fiercely, taking his breath away.

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