Chapter Twenty-Four~ Ezra

Start from the beginning

Adrian hiccuped, seeming pulling himself together as Ezra fell apart. "Goodbye, Ezra". The line dropped and Ezra dropped his phone from his ear, furiously rubbing the tears off of his cheek. He had finally found someone who made him happy and he had ruined it in such a short time.

Ezra had been looking for years. All of his friends thought he was having sex with girls just for the fun of it, but in reality, he wanted to feel something for at least one of them. He had pretended to before, hoping that that would turn into something real, but it never had, not until now. Not until Adrian.

Ezra stared blankly at the wall ahead of him, his tears drying on his face as time passed.

This is how Spencer and Liam found him about an hour later. 

Of course, they were kissing when they pushed through the door, but that quickly stopped when they notice Ezra.

"Uhh," Liam said, his cheeks flushing as he directed his attention to the ceiling, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well you think my mom would have told me you were here," Spence said, laughing weakly, and then growing incredibly serious as Ezra didn't laugh along with him. "What's wrong, Ezra?"

"Are you angry with me?" he asked softly, directing his eyes down to Spencer's sheets. "I know I fucked up yesterday at the game, and I probably shouldn't have quit because now my father can't even look at me, but I just... Caleb kept talking to me, right in my ear about all the things he did to Adrian and all the things he wanted to do. All I could think about was him touching him and it made me mad and I couldn't help myself Spence. God," Ezra rolled his eyes up to the ceiling, "I just wanted to kill him".

    "Um," Liam said, drawing Ezra's attention to him, "Adrian Vang?" Ezra just looked at him and it seemed to make Liam uncomfortable because he looked away quickly and shifted uncomfortably on his feet.

    "Would you stop doing that," Spencer said, absently wrapping an arm around the waist of the nervous boy and Ezra looked at his best friend now.

    "You didn't tell him?" He asked and Spencer shook his head.

    "Why would I? It was your secret, not mine".

    "Tell me what?" Liam asked and in response Ezra threw the rubik's cube at him. It was Spencer who reached out quickly and caught it, handing it to his boyfriend without looking at him.

    "If you can solve that I'll tell you anything you want," Ezra said and Liam suddenly grinned. He was a very plain looking boy, with brown hair and brown eyes, but at that moment, as he smiled, Ezra instantly saw the appeal that his best friend saw in the other.

    Liam didn't notice Ezra noticing, already busy fussing over the rubik's cube, but Spencer did and snapped his fingers to get his best friends attention, giving him a pointed look. Ezra grumbled under his breath, rolling his eyes and looking down at his phone, which had fallen in his lap.

    A moment later the rubik's cube was thrown into his lap, now completely color coded, and Ezra looked up as Liam pulled Spencer's desk chair over to the side of the bed and sat in it. "You know," Ezra began, "I always wondered why Spencer had one of those but never had any interest in solving it". Liam's skin flushed red.

    "I'm good at puzzles," he admitted, looking embarrassed as he looked up at Spencer, who grinned at him before crossing the room. Ezra watched as Liam stood from the desk chair and Spencer took his place before pulling the other back again, this time seating him in his lap. Liam looked pleased and then directed his attention back to Ezra. "So you're bisexual? Like Spencer?"

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