Chapter Twenty-One~ Ezra

Start from the beginning

"It wasn't easy," Ezra admitted, glancing over to the school where there team was sitting. "And look where it's gotten me".

"The difference between you and me is that I would have made a different decision. Maybe that says one thing about how I feel, or maybe it tells you about my poor soccer skills," they both chuckled. "Or at least I'd like to think I'd make a different choice. Liam told me that wasn't fair since I haven't actually done the first part, which is actually coming out, yet". Ezra hummed.

"You told Liam that you were gay before me?" He asked and Spencer furrowed his eyebrows. "How come he gets to know? Has he met your boyfriend yet- why are you laughing?" Spencer had thrown his head back to laugh and Ezra narrowed his eyes. "Dude, we've been friends since we were in preschool and you tell him before you tell me- ohmygod you're dating Liam". It all made sense and Spencer's face slit into a huge smile.

"Of course, you idiot," he said, and Ezra's eyebrows shot up..

"So all those nights you told me you were hanging out with Liam instead of me-"

"We were going on dates," Spencer said as Ezra continued with:

"You were betraying the bros before hoes rule?" It was quiet for a split second and then Spencer laughed once more

"I guess you could say that". He looked so happy that it made Ezra miss Adrian so much he felt sick. "But he's just about as much as a bro as you are". Ezra snorted at this.

"So your unwavering virginity?" Ezra asked and Spencer grinned at him with very white teeth.

"Wavered a long time ago, man".

"Have you two just always been dating?" He asked. They had met Liam in seventh grade and Spencer and him had been friends since then. Spencer shook his head.

"It's only been the last three years".

"Only three years," Ezra repeated, and he was a little hurt that his best friend had been in a relationship with someone, a boy, for the past three years and was just now telling him about it. "But what about the time at the beginning of this year when you two stopped being friends?" Ezra suspected he already knew the answer.

Spencer inhaled a sharp breath. "We broke up for a bit". Ezra wanted to know why, but it seemed like a sensitive topic so he didn't ask. Luckily, Spencer knew him enough that he knew he would want to know, and trusted him enough to tell him. "You were actually part of the reason why we broke up". Ezra felt his eyes widen.

"Why would I be..." It drew on him, "don't tell me he thought-" Spencer nodded and Ezra grimaced. "Why would he think-" Spencer shrugged, "but we don't even-"

"I know, man".

"That's sick," Ezra said and Spencer nodded. The idea of being anything more than best friends with Spencer was about as unappealing as... as.... He couldn't even think of anything that bad. That's how horrible of an idea it was.

"That's not the only reason, of course. Liam came out the week we started dating- though a lot of people had already heard the rumors about him losing his virginity to what's his fucking name about a week into being freshman. He was already so comfortable with his sexuality and didn't care who knew about it or not". Ezra remembered that day. He had been surprised by the news, but mostly because it confirmed the rumor about how Liam had lost his virginity and that seemed uncharacteristic for the boy.

Spencer, he recalled, had been nervous the entire day. It all made sense. "I was so nervous to come out, and felt like I had to since he did, but he said it was okay and he understood. One point late in sophomore year I was about to and the Kyle Hendrick and Jacob Lamay stuff started and I was afraid that people would treat me like they treated Liam".

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