Chapter Eight

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Saying goodbye is always hard but Mom seemed extra emotional this time. She kept mumbling about me finally growing up and that I wouldn't be coming home as often but I honestly couldn't get out of there fast enough. I promised to call at least once a week and gave Becca and dad a quick hug and then we were gone.

As soon as we pulled out of the driveway, Daniel laced my hand into his and he held it for hours. We cycled between talking a lot to long periods of silence but it was all comfortable. We stopped at noon for lunch and a bio break but we were anxious to get to Charlotte. We planned to stay there overnight and my dick was in a perpetual state of ready since waking up that morning.

"We're here," Daniel said quietly while leaning over the console. "You ready to get out of this tin can?"

"Yeah. What time is it?" I had fallen asleep somewhere in South Carolina before the sun set but it was pitch black out. The cool air felt good on my stiff body as I stepped out of the car in front of the motel lobby.

"It's about seven thirty. Do you want to go check in? My dad has been calling so I'm gonna go park and then call him back."

"Um, humm," I still felt groggy but I grabbed our backpacks out of the trunk and went into the lobby. The receptionist was very nice and it only took her two minutes to hand me two key cards and a map of the area. Daniel

was standing just outside the lobby so I walked behind him to wait.

"No, we're not doing anything special. It's no big deal." I moved in front of him so he knew I was there and he quickly wrapped up his call. "I will. Thanks. Love you, too."

"So, is everything okay with him?" I asked as we walked along the outside of the building to our room.

"Yeah. Just wanted to say hi. Make sure I'm still alive, I guess. He said to say hi to you." Daniel nudged my shoulder with his as we reached the room.

"So, why did he ask if we were doing anything special? I didn't mean to eavesdrop or anything, but is there something you're not telling me?" He was acting unlike himself and it was making me nervous. Did his dad say something to upset him?

"Oh, well, it's no big deal but, today's my birthday." He ducked into the room and flopped onto the closest bed.

"Seriously?" Fuck. How could I have not known it was his birthday? I moved to stand between his bent legs. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I would have planned something."

"Really, it doesn't matter. I wouldn't have even remembered if my dad didn't call. Trust me, being alone with you tonight is all that I want." He pulled my arm and I landed on top of him on the bed. That was a pretty damn good present, as far as I was concerned.

"Okay, but you have to let me take you to dinner. I'll go ask the receptionist if there're any decent restaurants around here. I'll be right back."

"I'm gonna take a shower. I'll leave the door open in case you want to join me." He winked at me then got up and grabbed his bag.

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