Chapter Two: Treasure Bound /Part One

Start from the beginning

The sheer strength and power of the Big Folk never ceased to amaze her. They easily carried alone what two or more Hobbits struggled with. The ship gained speed quickly, water slapped the hull creating a constant rhythm.

Watching the crew work was like watching the mining machines of dwarves. Every part oiled and perfectly maintained. Even though most of the crew had never met before, each knew his or her part and played it perfectly. Everone that is, except for Caston and Adrahil, who stood off to the side and out of the way.

Even Drida had a purpose. She ran around tying off adrift ropes to their respective places as the crew handed them to her. She was remarkably quick and perhaps the most efficient at knotting.

In under a quarter of an hour they had left the harbor behind and sailed northwest into the vast Belfalas Bay. Their hope was to make it to the island of Tolfalas in two days. With the right prevailing winds and favorable weather they would perhaps be there before.

The crew relaxed some as they sailed further away from land, but always it remained a distant blue-grey mass. Only Dahari could still see the shapes and colors of the land. Caston leaned over the railing, face paler than usual and features twisted into a painful grimace. Es herself felt slightly queasy, her stomach seemed to rise and fall as much as, if not more than the larger waves they crested.

Oros lashed the wheel in place and walked down among his new crew. Es followed him cautiously, then more boldly. All the Big Folk made her quiver, but she put on a brave face and marched behind Oros. Drida smiled kindly at her. There were a few chuckles. but mostly everyone remained silent.

"Listen up!" Oros ordered. The crew turned their attention to him. "Now, I know we ain't the prettiest lot, in fact some of you are downrigh' ugly."

Morien scowled. Qrow and Livian stifled their laughter. There were more than a few halfhearted smirks of acknowledgement.

"An' I know we ain't all goody goody."

This time there was not a sound, only awkward glances.

"But none of tha' matters. Yer a crew now, an' a crew works together. We keep each other safe. We teach each other," Oros looked directly at the Elf. "And we put aside grievances. Meaning, if you hold a grudge against someone here," he glared at Caston, "you lay it aside or you get off the ship now." Oros waited a few seconds. When no one seemed disposed to leap into the sea he continued.

"If any of you have not figured out this is a pirate ship and want no part," Oros grinned wickedly, "it's too late. Yer stuck here. Tha' being said, there are a few simple rules I like to keep. The first is you obey mine and Fendwall's orders. The second; you will always refer to me as Captain Oros, Captain, or Sir. Am I understood?"

A chorus of 'aye, sir' and 'aye, captain' followed his statement.

"Thirdly; no fraternizing. You gents will stay away from the ladies' sleepin' quarters. And likewise fer the ladies. Finally; no stealing from anyone aboard this ship. That includes stealing rations. If I or anyone else catches you stealin' rations Fendwall here will tie you to the mast or throw you overboard. Have I made myself clear?"

"Aye, Captain."

"Right. We'll break fer a while here while the wind is at our backs." Oros started walking away.


"Fendwall," Oros replied, turning around.

"You forgot something," Fendwall said with a knowing smile.

"Right. You've all been told we're searchin' fer treasure, but I haven't told you exactly which treasure." Oros paused dramatically. "We're going to find the lost treasure of the last King of Arnor; Arvedui."


Look what I got done! Yay! I'm so proud of myself. Hopefully I can get part two up next week.

Forenote; I have no idea what I'm doing. Seriously. I've never been on a ship before. I'm totally surrounded by land. If have to drive at least an hour to find a lake or a river that is big enough for a boat or kayak. So I apologize if I fail miserably in getting the correct terms for things, because research is often contradicting and there are so many things on a ship!

So I'm sorry in advance for that, if you are familiar with ships, especially brigs, let me know if something is wrong.

And yes, I did have at least ten tabs open throughout the duration of this part. And I also gave up and cheated by using Es' POV so I wouldn't have to explain a bunch of stuff I know nothing about.

There, that's my rant.

Music credited to BrunuhVille
Pirate Fantasy Music - Rising Sun - BrunuhVille
July 22nd, 2017

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