Chapter 9- Ancient One

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Gracia couldn't know exactly how long it was before they found her. She had been trying to find a way out from under the heavy debris that had fallen on the both of them and so far, it was useless. Half of her body was stuck under a fragment of one of the walls, restraining her from moving from place.

She wasn't even sure if Al was alive. Everything was deadly silent, not even the sounds of the wildflife that used to exist out there. She knew it was all gone... Her planet had perished under the cruel hands of Kaecilius. Like a parasite, invading a healthy organism to take away all that brought them to life until their existence had been sucked out of them mercilessly.

Her home was gone. Not that she did really feel at home, but she still kept in the deepest corners of her mind, those memories that had made half of her childhood a happy one.

Even if she couldn't die from blood loss, she still felt herself being pulled away from reality by exhaustion, eyes slowly drooping until she fell limply. She wouldn't give up just yet, but maybe she was destined to be stuck there forever. Everyone was dead, she doubted someone could've survived the mass extinction.

All her life... trying to fit in the world, trying to be happy with who she is but it seemed that wasn't for her to become. She would probably end with a tragic death, alone and wishing she couldn't been born in a different universe with a different destiny.


Muffled voices.

Perhaps she was hallucinating, or maybe dreaming but she could've sworn she heard someone talking, and really close to where she was. No, that couldn't be right? Was it just another cruel reminder of what had happened? Or possibly better, if you could say that, maybe Al was alive and trying to look for her.

"He really did the damage here." Her head jerked up when she didn't recognize the voice. It was obviously male, but definitely not Al being the owner of it. She wanted to try reach out or at least call out the typical 'Hello?' That characters usually said when it came to being in horror movies but her lack of vocal cords immediately discarded out that idea out the window.

"I believed him capable of destroying cities but a planet? A freaking planet?" The footsteps approached, debris being slowly pushed out of the way as two figures appeared in her peripherical vision. No way. No possible way there had been survivors in the mass destruction. If that was a dream, it would be awesome if she just woke up from it and kept on with her miserable existence.

Her blurred vision slowly cleared out, revealing a male and a female she guessed. It was hard to tell since their head was completely shaved.

They had stopped a decent distance from her, examining the place with calculating eyes. "What do you think Ancient One?" The other person stayed silent, pushing away another fragment as she sighed. "He definitely dwelled in here for a while. He must've been hiding here." She pondered.

"Are you sure there aren't any survivors Ancient One?" The man asked with an upset tone lacing his voice as he proceeded to take a seat on the dusty reminders that the planet would become. Inhabited, cold, simply orbiting around the sun with death written in big bold letters.

Ancient One.

And as simple as that, she fell into a huge epiphany, realizing she had heard that name loud and clear. Deathly scaring. A mantle of memory wrapped around her mind, tugging her away from the hopeless conversation she had been hearing just moments ago.

"You could call it programming Mr. Strange." The same woman present just moments ago was there, hands moving avidly, with a grace that could only be obtained with years of practice, practice and just practice. "But how do I get from here to there?" The same man from her vision was there, unkempt beard and a cold abandoned gaze surprisingly permanent.

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