Chapter 6- Lies, lies, lies

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There is a saying that when things are bad, no matter what you do; you shouldn't give up. They say good things will come around after the storm that came with the problems ceased. They say that you will be happy once everything that caused you pain ended.

But maybe they haven't been in a situation where they can assure that will happen. Maybe they haven't gone through real pain to know that what they say is to just convince themselves that everything will be okay.

But the difficult part is when you find yourself in a situation like those. A situation where you feel trapped, like there is no exit to find a solution to what is happening. Everything will feel as if it is lost and there is nothing you can do to fix it.

They feel impotent and weak, uncapable of making a difference.

No matter how hard Gracia thought about everything that was happening to her, she couldn't find a possible solution to end her pain and let her be free and live her life fully. Everything had changed so drastically in her life, it almost felt like a dream to her.

A nightmare which she can't wake up from.

She had tried so hard to stay positive and keep fighting, never giving up and waiting for the perfect opportunity to escape from her cruel destiny. There were even times were she would laugh out of nowhere at how stupid it all seemed. Everything was so cliché it seemed like everything was a joke.

She would laugh at how she had to get involved with the typical villain of the story. She laughed at how it was so stupid how her best friend, who promised to be by her side, betrayed her for being different from the stereotypical normal human being. She laughed at how predictive it was for her to be tortured and made possibly the villain's slave in some way.

It all seemed like a cruel joke from life to her.

It wasn't until she became her own cloak that she realized how nothing would get better. Her mind became flooded by bitter, angry, frustrated thoughts. As she layed limply inside a dark closet, she pondered whether or not it was worth continuing to fight for what would never become true.

And she disappointedly realized she had given up a long time ago. She had stopped fighting for freedom and happiness. She had become what she never wanted to be in her whole life.

A hopeless, bitterless woman.

The single thought of being happy made her angry for some reason. Everytime Henry used her and walked around the village every now and then, greeting people nicely like the fake ruler he was.

She found herself glaring at the happy children, men and women wearing smiles on their faces; no worries filling their lives and making them miserable.

Oh no they were so happy in their own little world. It was such a nice sight to see that it made her stomach hurt from how sickening it was. So overwhelming and stupid. How she wished people finally realized how messed up their world was. They spent their lives living under many ongoing layers of lies with no clue that everything was so rotten.

Humans were vicious and selfish. Their world was made for everyone to live together in harmony, collaborating together to make the world a better place and not manipulating one another and even classifying people in classes.

It was sickening how people went crazy over pieces of paper and coins. It was sad how the majority sufffered from not having enough to live fully while others had more than enough to help one another.

She wanted to go to each one of them, screaming at their faces. Wake up! Look around you! You are living under a lie! But obviously that option had to be eliminated since she couldn't speak in her current situation. She knew people preferred to live in a lie than on the cold and painful truth.

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