Chapter 8- Next stop, Kamar Taj

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"What's going on?!" Henry's voice roared over the sound of glass breaking, dodging in time as a glass shard stuck to the wall behind him with a thud. Gracia was frozen in spot, watching every single guard in the room dropping to the floor with a sickening thud.

The child's raging eyes darted around the room as he approached Henry with silent yet dangerous steps. The ruthless man cowered back, holding his sword out.

"Freak! What type of disgusting creature are you?" He spat venomously, stepping forward, daring the kid to respond his attack. Our cloak of levitation felt her insides boiling with rage, her eye twitching unconsciously.

"Oh dear Gracia, look at you. Such an abomination of nature! Such a freak ever since you were born." He threw his head back in booming laughter.

The child's anger only grew more as he motioned her direction with his chin. "Me? A freak? Ha! Look who's talking you insolent, ignorant bastard" His face twisted into an evil smile, tilting his head to the side.

"You don't remember me Henry?" He faked sadness, stepping away and heading towards the woman, not before exchanging a glance with Gracia who merely stared back.

As he stepped towards his dead mother, his body started changing, deforming and forming like an artist with clay. His bones changed in size and width with a sick crunch, his figure becoming large and large until reaching the form of a man.

The child had changed into a man in the matter of seconds, his eyes remining just as dangerous and his smile just as twisted. He stopped right in front of the woman's corpse, who too had changed into a younger looking girl.

"She is not the only creation am I right? Of course I am. I mean, look at us." He spread his arms wide and faced Henry. "Still as young as the day you destroyed me and my wife's life. Why do you do this to yourself? Why ruin lives to create weapons for your own good?"

Henry opened his mouth to speak but closed it again, no words coming out whatsoever. He stayed frozen on the ground, his gaze distant as he stared out. "Alphonse?" He whispered.

"The one and only Al! Good to see you again. Wrinkles do suit your face." He smiled and leaned on the sword, eyeing his fingernails.

"How- Wh- Why are you here?" He said slowly, almost as if not believeing his own eyes. Alphonse pointed at Gracia with his finger. "Isn't it obvious? I came here to kill you" He said nonchalantly, closing the girl's eyes and whispering something before standing back up.

Gracia decided he liked that man. Knowing he had been part of the killer's life all along could be used in everyone's favor. He seemed to fear Al.

"I thought you died? Back there... on the battle. I-I saw how your neck was snapped. How is this possible!" He was obiously panicking, panicking at the thought of seeing him again for some reason.

He took several steps back as Al's towering figure stalked to him and grabbed his collar, inching his face close to his. "I see your raisin brain didn't think things through. My friend, not only you made me a shapeshifter, capable of changing into any possible image, but you gave me immortality."

Henry's eyes dawned in realization. "You don't mean that-"

"Of course I mean that you nut head. You ruined my life. My wife's and my child's. He is dead because of you!" He threw a punch square in Henry's face, watching him stumble back a few steps.

He shot a glare at Gracia. "Move you idiot! You are supposed to help me!"

Alphonse rolled his eyes and yet threw another punch at him. "You have no right to speak to a woman like that. Have you got any manners? Didn't your mum teach you it wasn't polite to turn people into weapons and cloaks? Didn't your papa teach you-"

Henry looked up at him with squinted eyes, his lip split and bleeding abundantly. "Didn't he teach you that karma is a bitch? Because old friend you are about to get hit by it like a train." He moved his arm back, ready to deliver the knockout punch.

"Alphonse... Tell me how much is a human capable to lift up of weight?" Henry interrupted, the angered man retreating his arm back in confusion. "What gibberish are you talking about now old man?"

"Four hundred and fifty seven kilograms in total." He smiled proudly, his hand slowly inching to his pocket and slipping in silently. "Now. Hypothetically speaking, since you can heal at an inhuman speed, what would happen if you were to heal with rubbish sticking inside you? Would that possibly kill you?"

Alphonse stared at him with squinted eyes, almost as if he knew what was going on. But he didn't know exactly what. He decided to follow suit, shaking his head slowly.

It wouldn't kill him but it will surely hurt as hell.

"Good enough." He grinned and pressed a button, nothing happening at all.

Alphonse tilted his head. "Oh poor thing. Fair experiment didn't work? Oh I'm sorry, I'll help-" He stopped frozen, his eyes travelling past Henry and to the window, seeing a distant object flying towards the palace at an unimaginable speed.

"You dumbass! You are getting yourself killed too!" He threw him to the floor, stepping away from him with wide eyes.

"Do you think I was born yesterday?" Yes. " I got something that will surely get me out of here. And no, it is not you Gracia. You are worth nothing to me. I got more technology than you think. This two legged apes are still in old ages but I am way too advanced for their time. They haven't transcended from candles to electricity. What a waste of planet this is. And don't think this is the only place blowing into nothing. I made sure you wouldn't escape."

"I knew it was way too easy..." Al muttered helplessly. His fire dying into tiredness. His face even seemed to have aged years.

He is tired of living like this. Not being capable of doing anything to go back to his normal life.

"You... You seem too far-fetched to be in between here. Where do you get all this weapons? How can you be so advanced when we are still in this era? You always create things that don't make sense. You used to speak of places I don't know."

Henry shrugged, eyeing his nails boredly, almost as if there wasn't a bomb coming directly to them. "I'm impressed you observed well. And I am afraid you are right. You don't know how long I have been travelling through dimensions. Destroying worlds simply as a hobby, getting stronger as years go by."

"What are you talking about Henry?" Gracia's heartbeat was erratic. Even though she lacked of a human body she still felt herself breathing and her heart beating.

"Oh please. Call me by my real name." He rolled his eyes, getting a ring out of his pocket and slipping it on.

"Kaecilius at your service" He turned around and walked off, outstretching his hand and bright orange sparkles flying in a circle, an alien place appearing from the other side like a door. As he stepped in, he turned to face the both.

"I suggest you start running."

The portal closed silently.

The portal closed silently

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Question. Do you find my story coherent? Or do you get mixed up? I can fix it if that's the case hehe.

-Purple Trekkie

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