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Jena sat in her room, a phone pressed against her cheek. It was being held a bit tighter than necessary, and Jena's knuckles were growing white.

The phone rang once, twice, then finally Jena heard Christina's familiar voice.

"Hey, Jay! What's up?" Christina asked cheerily.

"Chrissie. It's good to hear your voice." Jena's voice sounded shaky, even to her, and Christina immediately picked up on her friend's discomfort.

"What's wrong, girlie?"

"Harry called me a freak." Jena said plainly.

"Like, the way Mads and I do?" Christina asked anxiously. "With love and admiration at how smart you are?"

"No." Jena said.

"Oh, honey," Christina cooed, "I'm so sorry."

"I should have seen it coming," Jena said sadly, "they always call me that. He just lasted longer than most."

Jena had never been a very popular girl growing up. Since she flew through school, she had always been younger than most. Her age coupled with her need for precision of language caused Jena to be frowned upon by her peers. Her friends called her 'Freak' as a pet name, having saved her in a coffee shop from some meaner girls calling her the unsightly word. But the word still touched a nerve, and Jena's breath was uneven.

"No, no, don't talk like that!" Christina cried. "You're wonderful. If he can't see past a few of your quirks, it's his problem."

"That's the thing, Chrissie." Jena sighed, sounding exhausted. "I have a lot of quirks. I was able to ignore them for a while, but every time I see them, they seem more and more like flaws."

"Jenavieve Elizabeth Townes," Christina lectured, "you get your head out of your ass right now. He doesn't deserve you. I'm glad you broke up with him."

"Actually, we haven't broken up yet." Jena sighed. "I was sure that he was the best thing that ever happened to me. I wanted some time to cool down before I did something I regretted."

"Look," Christina said, "here's my take on it. If he apologizes, and really apologizes, take him back. He's good for you. But if he does some half-assed attempt at an apology, dump his pasty white ass."

Jena laughed lightly. "You amuse me, Christina Nguyen."

"As do you, darling, as do you." Christina laughed through the phone, and while it was loud, it was comforting.

"So what consecrates as a proper apology, exactly?" Jena asked delightedly.

"Flowers." Christina said decisively. "Lots and lots of flowers. And chocolate, too."

"Mm. Have you ever experienced the perfect apology?" Jena asked, half joking and half serious.

"I wouldn't say perfect, but it was pretty damn good." Christina thought aloud. "This guy Alek had been an idiot, right, and he fucked up big time. He cheated on me with this skank Brittany, and I caught them in bed together. I threw a fit big-time, claws out and all that. Anyways, like three days later, I get this huge edible bouquet with the nicest note. I was touched."

"So you ended up forgiving him?" Jena inquired.

"Hmm? Oh, no, the bouquet wasn't from Alek, it was from Brittany! Sweet girl didn't know Alek was taken when she fucked him, and she wanted to apologize for ruining our relationship. It wasn't her fault, of course, but the thought was sweet."

The door rang, and Jena stood, still talking to Christina. "So are you two friends now?"

"Oh, heavens no!" Christina cried. "I'd never be friends with anyone who would fuck someone who looked like Alek. Lord knows I wasn't dating him for his face, I was dating him for his money."

Jena threw open the door, her laugh dying in her throat. "Christina, I'm going to have to call you back."

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