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Okay, this book is technically over, and completed but I just suddenly felt the severe urge to write this and before I knew it I had a chapter, I'm actually considering doing a Chase spin-off... ideas on that?

Chase straightened as Dr Levi came into the room wearing an expression that meant anything but good news.

Levi frowned as he walked towards him looking like a man being led to his own death.

"Chase buddy, I'm so sorry" he said looking at him woefully and taking off his glasses.

He had expected to feel distraught, angry, something but all her felt was a sense of finality, he had known this had been coming, all the doctors and nurses had tried their best, he knew they had, but sometimes the best someone could try just didn't cut it.

"Levi, it's fine" he reached out a hand and patted the old man's shoulders, because suddenly he did look so old, the wrinkles on his forehead more pronounced and there was just something about his stance that screamed weariness and pain.

He had wanted to become a doctor all his life, but now faced with the end of his life Chase wasn't sure that it was such a great job, yes you got to save lives and bring some joy into the world but that joy was usually overshadowed by the grief and sadness that came with losing a life, Levi probably felt personally responsible for each and every death.

He was a good man, one of the best, just like Chase's Father had been.

"Can I get you anything son?" asked Levi, concern on his face.

Chase could have laughed, nothing Levi got him could save him now.

"I'd like to be alone, if thats okay" he lied.

He most certainly didn't want to be alone, but he knew Levi would protest if he told him where he was really going, to the one person who could make this terrible day marginally brighter, if he was on a countdown, watching each day tick by and staying in a hospital bed wasn't an option.

He needed to see Florence.

Before he went he stopped off at the kitchen, opening the fridge where Macie kept her fresh fruit, a note was stuck on the top of the container reading 'Don't Eat', he ignored the note, Macie had told him to help himself to anything, he knew she pitied him, she had almost become a mother to him at his stay here, carefully he took out four perfect looking strawberries.

She was sitting up, alert on her bed when he entered, he felt a jolt and had to lean on the door frame for support, he was sure he looked pale to her and he could feel sweat pooling on his forehead.

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