Chapter 2

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I was right. Half of the students here in Chester high are late. Some of them are absent.
And the school looks like it had more space than ever!

Although a bunch of freshmen are getting benefit of the area. They ran all of the halls of school. Others were sliding down the railings of the stairs.

  Then there was this 9th grader who just did a promposal.
I assumed his name was Benjie. And the red head girl, I think it was Blair.
With all these roses we just gave her, she couldn't say no.

Their classmates cheered and the other students clapped.
I stood there and just admired them.

To be honest, I wasn't a big fan of love. I think that most of the times it could be our enemies.
Sometimes it is a friend.
Imagine all the broken hearts and lost souls were caused because of love.

But even though we have had enough of love, we still dive in.

Because it's our nature.

No matter how many times we get hurt, we still enjoy the feeling of loving. And the feeling of being loved.

And right now, I don't think nobody cares for me.

That, or I'm going to be on my period. Why am I thinking about this?

During a free time in madam Diaz's class, Grace was my closets friend at that class. And we'd talk together mostly.
We talk about how sometimes stupid the boys are. And sometimes we talk about the bratty Colette.

"Have you heard? Colette was so out last night's party, she must have slept with someone in this class!" Grace whispered.

It wouldn't be a surprise to me if Colette had done IT. I'm sure she could do it all day with different guys.

"Do you know who?" I asked, looking around if anyone could hear us.

"No." Grace bit her lips. She and I looked around the room and looked at the guys.

Hale was there. But he's too loyal with Beatrice.
Although not great at remembering when his girlfriend's birthday is.

There's Finley. The class nerd of this class. Surely he won't fight back the slut.
You can't even get him drunk! Much less drink a glass of beer!

Arnold? Leeroy? Benjamin? Roderick?

"Hmm.." I muttered. I looked over to the cool kids in the corner.
Kile and Killian were sitting there, probably talking about whom they played with last night.

"Kile? Killian?" I chuckled, holding my assignment papers. "One of them could be Colette's toy."

"Sir Heldon!" Madam Diaz let out a loud call, making us pounce a little.

I looked at the door and and saw Tod standing there frightened by her as well.

"Your late!" She screamed. Tod scratched his head and quickly went to Killian and Kile.

He took one glimpse at me, giving a faint smile. I gave him a sympathetic smile and waved my hand slightly at him.

As he sat down next to Kile and Killian, I couldn't help but notice him. He seemed different. A little different. And it made me suspicious.

"Hmm..." Grace hummed. I looked at her and saw her looking at Tod curiously as I was. And I knew what she was thinking.
Tod and Colette?
I'm sure Tod would never do it with her. To be honest.She's so.... Irresistible. Sometimes..

Finding a broken heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें