(Nandini) "Ok Swara as you say."

Both of them went to sleep and Swara wrote her thoughts in the diary and slept off. Sanskar on the other hand had fun time with his family. Finally Uttara and Rajat decided to get married after the end of his semester that was in about two months. Rajat and Uttara wanted to have a simple wedding so they decided to have wedding in Indian style and a reception. The decision was taken and they had to also select the best event management companies to handle their wedding. Sanskar had to take part in this as well as his studies plus the music competition. He had to work extra hard to achieve his goal. Writing all this in his diary, he also dozed off.

Next day Swara made sure to carry her research work on Asian Financial Crisis as they had to start the project on. She was sure they would complete the project in week's time because almost 80 percent of her work was done.

At University

The classes were running smoothly and the day was going great, in all the classes they had to sit in pair that was decided by Mr.DP. So Kavita was super pissed as both her friends were sitting with the girls she hated the most. Mostly she hated was Swara and no one else, Khushi only a little because she was Swara's friend.

During DP's class

(DP) "So how are your researches going on the topics given? I have small announcement to be made, our university would be represented by four teams in total. Two from your batch and Two from your senior batch, but if I hate any of your topics or presentations, I would not select anyone. So guys better buckle up and start working on your presentation. Any doubts you can get it clarified as I am here for the next one hour. So guys get ready and start your work."

All started discussing about projects,

At Swasan's side

(Swara) "Sanskar, these are my notes for our presentation. I had summarized it earlier today and now you can go through the same and see the matter that needs to be typed for the presentation. I again apologize to you Sanskar that I am making you type all the work because I do not have a laptop or a PC."

Sanskar did not reply anything and he was just glaring at the papers that Swara had given and after a silence of fifteen minutes, Sanskar spoke

(Sanskar) "You are a crazy woman, I swear to God. You have completed almost 80 percent of our project. I just have to compile and put it in a presentation format and we just have to give future analysis based on past study and that is going to be a piece of cake. So just chill buddy"

(Swara) "Ok"

They both started discussing her notes and Sanskar had made it a point to understand the topic in death and Swara made sure that he had clear idea, when in doubt they accessed the net and clarified. They were working great as a team.

In the side of Sashi (Sahil and Khushi),

They were also working great as a team. Sahil was helping Khushi a lot. As it was their first day as partners, they didn't find it difficult to bond and they discussed the topic with ease. They had made a broad framework on what they are going to and the class had come to an end. It was decided that after university timings, they would meet near a café and discuss their project further. Khushi was quite satisfied and also happy that Sahil was ready to help her.

When it came to Kavita, Kavita was hell jealous of Swara as she was sitting closed to Sanskar and he was looking at Swara with AWE. She hated the fact that Sanskar never noticed her the way she expected from him. She wanted Sanskar's full attention only on her and no one else. She wanted to destroy Swara and she wanted to make sure that Swara would be far gone from his life. She now certainly thought to manipulate Sujata and Uttara as they were the only ladies who could help her in wooing Sanskar and no one else. She just waited for the right time to talk to them. As Uttara's wedding with Rajat was fast approaching, she thought that she would execute her plan then.

(Uttara and Rajat = Uttjat)

Maheshwaris and the Kapoors are Business partners (that is Uttara and Rajat's father's company. They have named it as Karma Construction and Designing) and they are dealing with Construction of Building and Interior Designing. While Kapoors handled Construction part, Maheshwaris handled the Interior Designing part. So since their company offered TWO IN ONE Facility, many clients preferred their firm over any other firm and also because of the quality service that they provide.

In the Karma Office

Uttara and Rajat were engrossed in some kind of work,

(Uttara) "How are your designs coming up Rajat?

(Rajat) "It's coming out good. The team is finalizing few more designs and I am giving last minute touches, so which ever would look good, we would present the same. I know you would need my designs so that you and your team can do the interior designs to be presented."

(Uttara) "Nope I wouldn't want your designs as you guys have given my team the basic dimensions and idea. So even our designs are almost ready. In the evening we can have a team meeting and match all the designs and just hope that the Malhotras like it. If we get this contract, then we would be famous in no time.

(Rajat) "That is true Uttara. Just keeping fingers crossed, hope the luck is on our side."

(Uttara) "Let's hope for the best. We still have a week's time and I know we both would crack it Rajat."

(Rajat) "Hmmm. Hopefully we will kill the presentation because even the Mathews and Samsons are bidding for this project"

(Uttara) "We have outshined them many times Rajat, we will do it this time too as we are together and no one can stop us from getting what we want."

(Rajat) "Let's get back to work if we have to be ready for today's team meeting"

Both of them got engrossed in their work again. In the evening, Along with RP and Raj (rajat's father), they all discussed and finalized the designs and the changes that they had to keep it ready for by week. They were quite happy and contended with their work. They were just waiting for next Friday when they were about to present the papers. Uttjat hugged each other after the meeting and they decided to start discussing on how they would present in front of the Malhotras from tomorrow onwards.

Precap : Swasan, Ragini's doctor appointment

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