Adam said, “I think I will have the same. That sounds delicious!”

The coffee came out quickly, and Renee was glad.

“So, what made you decide to ask me to breakfast, anyway?” Renee asked, sipping her coffee.

“I was thinking I wanted to take you out on a semi-proper date, that’s what.”

“You, sir, surprise me. I thought pizza by the kitchen sink and s’mores by the fireplace were pretty good dates, myself. But, I won’t complain about waffles, either.” Her laughter was contagious, and he wanted to make her laugh often and for many years to come. Where’d that come from? He wondered to himself, but decided he didn’t care. The most beautiful woman he’d ever met was having coffee and waffles with him. What could be better?

“So, what are doing with your day off, Ren?” She liked the way he shortened her name. No one had ever done that before.

“Not much, really: laundry, dishes, scrubbing the bathrooms. All the chores that won’t get finished when I’m at work all hours of the night. I thought about working on the computer, but that seems boring at the moment.”

“How about spending the day with me? We’ll go to the River Walk, find a fried chicken place, and go eat at the park. What d’ya say?”

“I say that sounds wonderful! MMM! Fried chicken; not a dish I eat much, but it is so worth it when I do.” Renee mused.

A shadow crossed her path outside the window, and her heart jumped. A man had just climbed out of his car and walking towards the restaurant, staring straight at her. Fright gripped her soul like a hand squeezing kids’ dough, until it was all oozing out. Oh no! He knew she was with someone. That’s not good.

Adam noticed her expression, and saw the man. He was unsure of which course of action to take, but they were almost finished eating. So, he quickly asked for the tab, paid in cash, and walked her outside to his truck without looking at the man who’d just seated himself at a table, facing Renee. “Was that him?”

Renee couldn’t talk. She almost couldn’t walk. How’d he find her? He didn’t know where she lived. At least, she didn’t think he did. She nodded her head yes to his question. Adam knew another town where they could finish their date. No River Walk, but they’d be safer.

The man paid for his one cup of coffee, stood and went back to his car. As he started it, Adam pulled the truck out of the parking lot.

“Ren, put on your seat belt. I think I can lose him, but just to be safe, I want you buckled, okay?” She nodded and did as he asked, still stunned into an eerie silence. He made a fast right turn onto the highway, drove for a mile, and took another road, but the man just kept following them. He was speeding up.

She couldn’t take much more. She feared she was about to lose what she’d just enjoyed eating. “Put your head down, and keep it down, Ren. I want you to trust me on this.”

Having been deployed, she was no stranger to dangerous situations, and again obeyed his request. During deployment, precautionary measures had to take place for survival, though she was not in much danger unless she went outside the wire. She did have to learn some skills and hoped she never needed them. Today might prove different.

“Do you have a gun?” She asked Adam.

“Yes, and a concealed weapons permit. Why?”

“Because if he shoots, I’m shooting back! I won’t stand by and let him ruin my life again! I hope it doesn’t come down to that. I’d hate to see your beautiful truck ruined by bullet holes.”

“So would I, Ren. So would I. It’s in the glove box. It’s a 9 mil. Have you shot one of those before?”

“Yes, Adam, and am quite skilled at hitting my target, thank you very much. I used to play at the range just because I could. Two in the head, one in the chest. Any more questions?”

“No ma’am! You know what to do if the need arises. Just try not to hit my truck, okay?”

“Okay!” Renee hoped Adam knew where he was, because he was taking lefts and rights without any thought to where they’d end up. She didn’t think this was what he meant by “spend the day together,” though. She would ask him as soon as they were out of danger.

They drove for five minutes after that last right turn before Adam felt even a little at ease. “I think I might’ve lost him. He followed us there. He knew how to find you; who to ask. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, the adrenaline is pumping. It will hit me later, and I’ll bawl like a baby. So, is this what you had in mind when you said, “spend the day together?”” They laughed so hard, they doubled over.

“What scares me most is that he saw you. If he’d only seen me, I could’ve handled him. The Army teaches a girl some good combative skills. Now, he’s going to come after both of us.”

“Not if I can help it. I’ll take as many back roads as I need to if it gets us home safely. Also, I will let Ned and Larry know to be on the watch for a silver four door Honda. No one on our street drives a car like that. In fact, other than you, every one of us owns trucks. I’m going to call my buddy who is building the motorcycle. He happens to have connections in departments we’ve never heard of. Maybe he can help us. We were in the Corps together, and he’s been my wingman ever since.”

“I went to the Sheriff’s department yesterday after work. They said they didn’t have enough evidence to support issuing a restraining order. Now, I think they might. The Deputy who helped me looked like he’d been weaned for a month, he was so young. He said there wasn’t much to do because he hadn’t become a threat. I wonder now if they realize it’s the same person, or if they figured this little tidbit out after the fact. I’m going back first thing in the morning to find out if they accepted the request. Unfortunately, I think the only way Ben will be stopped is if acted upon by an outside force.” Adam knew her meaning all too well.

Thunder Storms (#1 - Semper Fi Series)Where stories live. Discover now