Twenty Three

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tysm for everything <3 here's a special chapter just for you.








1. feelings of severe despondency and dejection.

2. a state of feeling sad, tired, worthless, irritable, can't concentrate, and loss of interest.

According to, a teen takes his or her own life every 100 minutes.


It all started, and ended, with my dad. He was my role model.

Key word: was.

I don't understand why he does it, and I'll never understand, because no matter what he says, there is no excuse for hitting your own wife. There was something different about tonight. Or maybe I just finally changed.




I make my way to Stacy's locker right before the bell rings. The hairs on my neck stand up as I hear someone behind me.

"Jake-y where are you going?" Her shrill voice sends chills down my spine.

I reach Stacy's locker and turn around to face her.

"What do you want, Mia?" I say, frustrated. Her caked face looks hollow and desolate.

She looks at Stacy's metal locker and then turns back to me and whispers, "You don't actually like that girl, Stacy, do you?"

"I do like her. A lot," This may be the only thing I can say confidently. Stacy is my breath of air.

"Why would you want to hang out with her? I'm skinnier and prettier than her." she flips her blonde hair over her shoulder.

I took a step back, shocked, and my fists clenched automatically. Then, I looked at her face. Clueless. She didn't mean it as an insult towards Stacy. She actually thought that being skinnier than someone meant that you were more attractive. I pitied her.

"I don't care about appearance. What ever happened to personality? Yes, you're skinnier than Stacy, but that doesn't make you more attractive than her. I like Stacy because she's brave and strong. I see past her flaws and so should you. Starving and beating yourself up for someone doesn't make you attractive, Mia. It makes you sick. You need professional help." I breath heavily.

I don't know what I expected to hear, but I definitely didn't expect her to laugh. I realized that Mia would never understand from me. She would have to learn herself. Mia is staring down the hall. Stacy. She looks so pretty today, an angel. I smile at her and look back at Mia. Her watery eyes look at me. Is she crying? My eyes widen as she quickly runs her hand to my chest and kisses me before I could protest. I feel sick.

I look back at Stacy. She's crying.




"I showed her how I'd been making tiny cuts in my skin to let the badness and the pain leak out. Cutting pain was a different flavor of hurt. It made it easier not to think about having my body and my family and my life stolen, made it easier not to care..." -Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson (my fav book).

I'd like to remind all of the readers that STACY IS MUTE. k thanks.


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