Chapter 89: Despídanse

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"Te veo más tarde, mi amor." I say to Camila smiling as I'm getting ready to leave. I'm going to visit the new house that I want to buy for our family.

"Está bien." Camila says. "¿A que hora crees que regresaras?"

"Probablemente como a las cinco." I reply. "¿Alguna razón?"

"Nomas preguntaba." She says.

"Cuando regrese los llevo a todos a comer." I smile. "Adiós, mi vida." I kiss her goodbye.

Camila's kisses have changed, how she acts with me now has drastically changed. I remember the days when we were happy and stable, those were the days. This past week I've been living absolutely heartbroken. Camila has told me she wants to leave me, it kills me to even imagine that. I'm not proud of reacting the way I did when she said she wanted a divorce but I couldn't control myself. I hate the way I yelled at her and threatened her with my life but it was out of my control. No quiero una vida sin Camila.

By two o'clock in the afternoon, I'm finished with everything that I had to do. Better for me because I will be arriving home earlier. Once I'm inside, I see that the temporary nanny we hired is with the kids.

"¿Donde esta Camila?" I ask the part-time nanny Regina.

"Ah, se fue al mandado porque hacía falta unas cosas." She replies.

"Ok, está bien." I say. I hug my kids before going to my office to get some documents.

I call Camila to tell her I'm home early but she doesn't answer. I call her multiple times but she still doesn't answer. I've been acting very paranoid lately that I begin to overthink many things. Before I left earlier today, she asked what time I was going to be back. She doesn't want to be intimate with me and she acts strange with me now. What if she's seeing Zabdiel behind my back? The thought alone drives me insane.

"Regina, ¿puedo hablar con usted a solas?" I ask her once I walk to the living room.

"Claro." She says. She looks nervous giving it away that something is wrong.

"Te vuelvo a preguntar, ¿donde está Camila?" I ask her in private.

"Se fue a la tienda, no ha de tardar." She says.

"¡Eso es mentira!" I raise my voice.

"Eso es todo lo que se. Por favor, no me grite." She says scared.

"Mejor ni te pregunto, se perfectamente dónde está." I say angrily.

Se perfectamente dónde está Camila, no soy pendejo. De seguro está revolcándose con Zabdiel por eso ya no quiere hacer el amor conmigo. Siento que se me va a explotar la cabeza del coraje. Most likely they're at Christopher's house. That's the first place that I'm going to look for her at.

With all the rage I have in me, I go to my office and grab a pistol that's in the safe for emergencies. I get in my car and drive as fast as I can to Christopher's house.

I finally enter the building that Christopher lives in. If they're not in his condominium, they're probably somewhere else together. If I can't find them, I'll confront Camila at home anyways. I step into the elevator and go to the floor Christopher lives in. Before I know it I ring the doorbell and bang on the door as well.

A shirtless Zabdiel with briefs opens the door. What else could I think from this?

"¿Donde carajos está Camila?" I ask angrily and step inside. 

"No se de que hablas." He lies. He can't fool me.

"¡No me mientas! ¡No puede estar en ningún lado más que aquí!" I shout.

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