Brother's Best Friend (James Maslow Imagine)

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Request from: CierraHoranhiii

Kendall is the best big brother. The two of you are only a year apart and are extremely close. You guys do a lot together like vacations and you go on tour with him as well. The only problem you have with Kendall is how protective his is over you. Every guy that's met Kendall is scared off by his questioning. Actually, Kendall doesn't question, he interrogates. So, you've been single for a couple months now but, there's someone who's always on your mind and you see him all the time. Kendall is the one keeping you from him because one, he's overprotective, and two, it's one of Kendall's best friends. Can you guess who it is? Yep, it's James. You've liked James ever since The Summer Break Tour where you shared a tour bus with him since Kendall's was full.

Every time you see James, your heart starts beating fast, adrenaline runs, and butterflies fill your stomach. You're not sure if James likes you back but your feelings for him are stronger than ever. The only person who knows about your crush is Logan. You told him because he felt you did since every time you were with James, your cheeks got pink and you smiled a lot. You also needed you tell someone and Logan is one of your best friends. Logan said he'd ask James if he likes you back but, he hasn't told you whether or not he does. 

Today, the guys are all coming over to your house as well as a couple of other friends to hang out and have a BBQ. You plan on telling James how you feel and you're really nervous. But, it's time that you let him know and you can't be a scardy cat anymore. You dressed in high waist ed jean shorts, a yellow tank top and some black flip flops. You curled your hair loosely and just put on some mascara. Then, you headed down to your kitchen where you ate breakfast and started to prepare the food for the BBQ. You were just about to start making the patties when the bell rang. "It's open!" you yelled and you heard the door open and footsteps were getting closer. James walked into the kitchen with hot dogs and buns. "Hey, (Y/N)." You smiled and so did he. Man, why did he have to have such a perfect smile? "Hi, James. You can set those on the counter." He set the food down and walked over to give you a hug. Your arms around his neck and his arms around your lower back. There goes the butterflies. You pull back but James was still holding you. "Um, James." He blushed and let go. "Sorry." He laughed nervously and you giggled. "It's fine. Why don't you have a seat." James sat on one of the bar stools and was looking at you while you were picking a song to play on your surround sound. 

You chose "Collar Full" by Panic! At The Disco and you started you sing and so did James. When You finished making the burgers, you put them into the fridge so they could be grilled later. Then, you were washing the dishes when two arms wrapped around your waist. You turned the water off and turned around. You and James were inches away. "Hi James. What are you doing?" He held on to you tight and wasn't letting go. "I want to tell you something, (Y/N)." You were puzzled and didn't know what to expect. "What is it?" James let go and stepped back a little bit. "(Y/N), I really like you. I've liked you since I was with Halston and I never told you since I didn't know if you liked me or not. But, since I'm single now, I wanted to tell you and I was wondering if maybe we could go out?" You were shocked you didn't know what to say. No guy has ever done this before. "Um.. That's awesome because I really like you too! I just never told you because I wasn't sure how you'd feel and because of Kendall." You looked at the floor and then back into James' hazel eyes. He then took you by the waist and said, "Who cares what Kendall says, if you're happy that's all that should matter. If not, that's too bad because I cannot let you go. You're just too beautiful, kind, caring, and talented." You felt you're cheeks get really warm and James started to lean in and so did you. Your lips collided with his. Soft, warm, and loving. You could feel the butterflies disappear and then someone yelled. "What the hell?!" The kiss broke and you saw Kendall...

"Are you two together?" Kendall asked so angrily that you were kinda scared. "Kendall, why are you so protective of me? It doesn't make sense! I'm 22 and I can date whoever I want. I understand he's your best friend but I'm your sister. You should be happy for me and let me live my life the way I want to." It was quiet and you looked at the ground not knowing what he was going to do next. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). It's just that you're my baby sis. I don't want you to get hurt. But, I know James is a really good guy and I'm happy for you two." You hugged Kendall and whispered 'I love you' in his ear. "Just make sure you don't hurt her." He gave James a hug and you were happy that Kendall accepts you dating James. At the BBQ, you and James had the best time talking, hugging and kissing once or twice. Everyone found out and were all happy and said you two were cute together. During the party, Carlos took a picture of you sitting on James' lap and the two of you were laughing. Then, you got a notification on Twitter and Instagram of the picture with this caption, "@(Y/T/N) and @jamesmaslow are the cutest couple ever!" A lot of Rushers were saying it's cool how Kendall's sis is dating another BTR member while James fans were being protective and saying mean things. But honestly, it didn't bother you since most of the comments were supportive. Kendall posted a Tweet saying, "@jamesmaslow don't hurt my baby sis @(Y/T/N) or I'll hurt you." You just rolled your eyes and carried on into the night with James by your side and everyone was happy.

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