He asks you on a date

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Dean Winchester - forget him hey I know you just broke up with Chase Randall aka the Black Dino Charge Ranger but I have to tell you something.

Kit-Kat Star - what is it you can tell me?

Dean Winchester - Kit-Kat Star ever since we met I have been in love with you when I first set my eyes on you I love you.

Kit-Kat Star - wow I have never heard you say that to me before.

Dean Winchester - I get it if you don't feel the same way.

Kit-Kat Star - let me finish but I'm glad you said it I've been in love with you too.

Dean Winchester - really.

Kit-Kat Star - yes really.

Dean Winchester - well would you like to go with me on a date?

Kit-Kat Star - sure tomorrow at 6 we'll get back before midnight.

Dean Winchester - thank you see you tomorrow.

Kit-Kat Star - you're welcome Dean and see you tomorrow for our date.

*next day at 4 p.m. you get ready for the date but you sit down and take out your guitar and guitar pick and start strumming and singing your new song*

Where have you been? I need a new love to love me for me. I need something to numb this pain. I need to get someone that I trust. Someone that I need. Someone that loves me for my personality. Someone that will accept me. I just need to find my significant other. So that we can be together. Forever and beyond. And support my decisions. I am always a third wheel I hate being left out. I want someone who could convince me about my flaws. Someone to never leave me behind. Someone who could change my life. Someone who could change me to be better. Someone who loves me for me. Someone who will not take me for granted. Someone who can free me. From the chains I am in. I just need to find my significant other. So that we can be together. Forever and beyond. And support my decisions. I wanna have a boyfriend. Who gets me and loves me. I wanna get engaged and plan. Get married and have a honeymoon. And finally have kids of our own. I just need to find my significant other. So we can be together. Forever and beyond. And support my decisions.

*what you don't know is Castiel and Sam heard you and Dean finished getting dressed and came to your room in the bunker to pick ya up and leave when in the middle of his walk he hears you sing your new song significant other and leans up to your door to listen while your in the middle of singing your new song*

Sam Winchester - wow she's amazing.

Castiel - yeah I know Dean what do you think Dean...Dean.

Dean Winchester - I agree with you two.

*you finish the song and sadly sigh thinking about what you and your ex been through its 5 so its time to leave*

Dean Winchester - Kit-Kat you ready?

Kit-Kat Star - yes I am Dean.

*you leave your room and walk to the living room to find Dean in his tux and when he sees you his breathe is taken away by your beauty*

Dean Winchester -  wow Kit-Kat your beautiful.

Kit-Kat Star - your not too bad yourself love.

Dean Winchester - you called me love how come?

Kit-Kat Star - because I am from and born in London England I am a princess remember.

Dean Winchester - oh ok anyway let's go.

*both you and Dean goes in the impala and go to a restaurant for dinner at the restaurant*

Dean Winchester - alright here we are lets go in.

*you and Dean go in and since Dean called for a reservation you go to your seats which is a booth but the booth's seats are only for one person to sit on each side and you two talk*

Kit-Kat Star - I have something to tell you Dean.

Dean Winchester - what's wrong?

Kit-Kat Star - I have never been to a restaurant before.

Dean Winchester - so let me get this straight you never been to a restaurant before.

Kit-Kat Star - yes it's my first time in a restaurant.

Dean Winchester - well you have to get the spaghetti and meatballs it's delicious with whatever you want.

Kit-Kat Star - ok well we're ready.

Waitress - hi I am Abby Sheryl I will be your waitress what can I get you sugars?

Dean Winchester - two plates of spaghetti and meatballs with two fruit juices please.

Abby Sheryl - coming right up.

Kit-Kat Star - ok so now that we ate on our date what will happen in the future?

Dean Winchester - we'll have to find out oh our food is here.

*while eating you two don't notice a long spaghetti noodles on both of your plates and bam you two kiss*

Kit-Kat Star - hey Dean wait until we are in your room in the bunker.

Dean Winchester - but I need you now fine I can wait.

*after dinner you two go for a walk on the beach while walking you two stop and say*

Kit-Kat Star - hey what happened in the restaurant is amazing.

Dean Winchester - I know I had a lot of fun with you today.

Kit-Kat Star - I had a lot of fun with you too Dean today what now?

Dean Winchester - wool you be my girlfriend and may I kiss you?

Kit-Kat Star - yes I will be your girlfriend and yes you may kiss me again.

*you two kiss and go back to the impala and go back to the bunker and announce that you two are together to Castiel, Gabriel and Sam*

Dean Winchester - we have a announcement.

Castiel - what is it?

Kit-Kat Star - Dean and I are boyfriend and girlfriend.

Gabriel - ok can I be the good father of your child?

Kit-Kat Star - no you three will be uncles and what's a child?

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