Final Hunt

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Kit-Kat Star - yep guns, a machete, blades and whatever we need.

Dean Winchester - well this is the last hunt I hope will you forget me, Sam, Castiel and Gabriel after everything is back to normal and you go back to Amber Beach with your boyfriend, cousin, friends and manager?

Kit-Kat Star - no I won't listen don't talk like that Dean alright I will never ever forget you and the boys I will call when I can which means when I am not busy you, Sam, Cas, Gabe, Chase, Kendall, Shelby, Riley, Tyler, Koda, Sir Ivan, Tommy Oliver, Kiara, Connor, Ethan, Trent, Keeper and Jahil Rivera my manager are the most important people in my life and I love I will never wanna lose any of you you all are the best friends and cousin and manager and boyfriend I have ever had I might travel a lot but I have a lot of things to do so promise me don't think about me not remembering you guys and I will forever be your friend Dean tell Sam, Cas and Gabe that ok.

Dean Winchester - ok I promise now lets do this last hunt together just us two.

*at Lilith's lair*

Lilith - well, well, well if it isn't Dean Winchester and Kit-Kat Star.

Dean Winchester - lets get this over with.

Kit-Kat Star - wait I think I know you aren't you the one who killed my parents when I was born?

Lilith - of course I did I never liked them and they kept a secret from you that they were hunters like Dean and Sam Winchester and his dad and that they were power rangers dino charge.

Kit-Kat Star - stop its lies.

Lilith - no they lied to you poor innocent baby Kit-Kat Star all alone with no one to care for you, protect you, love you.

Kit-Kat Star - stop it.

Lilith - your worthless, a mistake Dean, Sam, Cas and Gabe was letting you live with them because they pitied you, they never loved you they wanted you gone.

Kit-Kat Star - I said stop it.

Lilith - they were screaming for me to leave you alone but I couldn't help but kidnap you and torture you.

Dean Winchester - wait you know her?

Kit-Kat Star - yeah she killed my parents, kidnapped me and tortured me till my knight in shining armor Sir Ivan came to save me so he started protecting me after he defeated Lilith but she wasn't really dead since I am the only child.

*you battle Lilith while Dean gets the minions of Lilith and after he finishes the last minion he sees you defeat Lilith once and for all but died in the end*

Dean Winchester - no Kit-Kat Star please be alive.

*you flutter your eyes open and say*

Kit-Kat Star - tell everyone I know that I love them and will always be with them forever Dean.

Dean Winchester - don't say that your going to be alright please stay with me don't close them eyes.

Kit-Kat Star - I won't make it.

Dean Winchester - hang in there your going to be ok Cas and Gabe can help you.

Kit-Kat Star - they can't I am a princess and this is my fate dieing in honor and as a hero.

Dean Winchester - hang on there Kit-Kat please.

Kit-Kat Star - I'll try I promise I'll try for everyone I know.

Dean Winchester - yes its not your time to die I know it.

*back at the bunker Castiel's p.o.v*

Castiel - Sam where is Dean and Kit-Kat Star?

Sam Winchester - Hold on its Dean.

*on the phone with Dean*

Dean Winchester - Sam we're on our way but Kit-Kat is um I'll tell you guys when we get in dang it we're going to need to shower and get Cas and Gabe down in the living room now its Kit-Kat.

Sam Winchester - ok we're in the library so you in the Impala?

Dean Winchester - yes I have Kit-Kat in the back seat when I get there I need you guys to open the door my arms will be full.

Sam Winchester - ok see you later bye.

*off the phone with Dean Winchester*

Gabriel - what he say?

Sam Winchester - he said he's on his way now and has Kit-Kat Star laying in the back seat and we need to open the door for him and go to the living room now its Kit-Kat.

Castiel - ok well I feel something is wrong here but don't know what it is.

*you and Dean arrive and Dean carries you to the door and rushes in after kicking it in and run to the couch and puts you on it*

Sam Winchester - what happened?

Dean Winchester - Lilith killed her parents and kidnapped her then tortured her for a few years those are her tortured scars while I took out the Lilith minions she defeated Lilith once and for all the apocalypse is over the world is all safe she got stabbed in her stomach Cas and Gabe I need your help on this mission.

Castiel - you need us to heal her she's dying.

Dean Winchester - yes please she said it's her fate to die in honor and as a hero I told her its not her time.

Gabriel - brother what do you think.

Castiel - its the right thing to do so we bring her back to life and heal her.

*both Castiel and Gabriel heal you and bring you back to life*

Dean Winchester - its not working.

Castiel - we did our best we have to burn her body.

*what they don't know is your waking up*

Kit-Kat Star - *groaning*

Dean Winchester - Kit-Kat wake up please.

Kit-Kat Star - god what just happened?

Castiel - why are asking my father what happened?

Dean Winchester - it's an expression you don't literally ask god what happened how are you feeling Kit-Kat Star?

Kit-Kat Star - I feel like I am powerful but a good kind like a superhero.

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