III : Unconventional Dating

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Days later, Tina sat on her bed. With one hand gripping the handset of the ancient rotary telephone she had bought from a thrift shop and the crumpled receipt in the other, she weighed in her head the possible outcomes of calling the number in her hand.

I have Amy Poehler's number.

She carefully dialed the number and sat there waiting for Amy to pick up.
Tina's nervous expression quickly became a smile when she heard a familiar voice from the other end of the line.

"You called me from a rotary phone?" Amy asked.
"It was the only thing I could afford." Tina smiled sheepishly.
Amy could only cackle in reply. In fact, she was laughing so hard, she stopped to compose herself.  Though she felt ridiculed, Tina couldn't help but smile at the sight of a pretty girl unable walk from laughing too hard. Tina grabbed her arm and continued to pull her into a nearby ice cream parlor.
Amy raised an eyebrow. "Ice cream?"
Tina nervously nodded, unsure.
"I love ice cream!" Amy exclaimed.
Tina couldn't contain her smile as Amy pulled her into a vacant booth in a quiet corner of room.

Minutes later, the two each had a sundae in front of them. As Amy excitedly bulldozed her soft serve into her mouth, Tina just stared down at her sundae. Amy stopped eating when she realized Tina had not touched her sundae and that it was beginning to melt.
Her soft voice brought Tina back to the present but Amy began to slightly worry for her.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine...just curious though, and a bit confused. What is this?"
"What's what?"
"Are we just casual acquaintances hanging out or..."
"Or what?" Amy slyly asked.
"Nevermind." Tina said, barely above a whisper causing Amy to realize how serious Tina was with her question.
"Tina, whatever this is, I just really want to get to know you better. And 'this' can be whatever we want it to be. There's no need to label anything at this point."
Tina nodded and began to work on her sundae hesitantly.
"Come on Tina, you know you want it. Eat you goddamn sundae!" and with that, Amy reached across the table took a scoop from the melting mound of cream in front of Tina. Amy tried to get the spoon to Tina's mouth but with her short arms' limited reach and inaccuracy, a blob of soft serve ended up on Tina's nose making the two to break into a fit of giggles.
"Let me help you there." Amy said as she got up to sit beside Tina.
Tina was completely caught off guard when Amy licked the soft serve off of her nose.
"What the heck Poehler?!" Tina shrieked as Amy laughed her ass off.
Tina's expression of shock quickly transformed into a blush as a number of the other patrons turned towards them. But her embarrassment became amusement when she saw Amy bent over in her seat from laughing too hard. Seeing Amy laugh filled Tina with an overwhelming sensation of admiration and desire.
"You're crazy adorable, Poehler."
"You're crazy hot, Betty."
"From Elizabeth. You're an Elizabeth right?"
"How did you know—"
"I maybe, kinda asked around about the nerdy girl who wrote that hilarious play."
Tina cocked her head to the side.
"Nerdy girl? Really?"

My nerdy girl." Amy cooed. This, in turn, made Tina roll her eyes at the blonde.
"I've always detested that clichê."
"Ugh, same here. Fuck it." And with that, Tina kissed her.

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