I : Unfamiliar Bed

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Her eyes fluttered open and her gaze immediately landed on her beat-up wristwatch on the bedside table.
"Fuck!" she mentally screamed.
Her panic was instantly followed by confusion as to why in the fucking heck she was topless. Her eyes caught her sad, old bra dangling from the bedpost beside her foot. As she tried to get up, she realized, her pants were gone and so was the nicest pair of underwear she has had in forever.
"Hey, you awake? Tina?" asked a petite blonde as she stuck her head through the door frame of the room. Tina Fey stood there staring stupidly at the girl in the doorway.
"Amy? Amy Poehler?"
"Uh...yeah... how are you feeling?"
"What the heck happened?"
All Tina got in reply was a smug smirk and a cocky eyebrow raise. Then all at once, the events of the night before all came crashing down on her; along with an incredible headache. She sat back down on the bed groaning.
"No worries", she thought. "we messed up. I'll just stay away and keep this under wraps."
Tina grabbed her wristwatch and proceeded to put it on.
"I am so sorry Amy, I have to go. I am incredibly late for this class; it's my first day and I really have to go I'm sorry."
Amy smiled and left the room. After Tina managed to recover her bra and shirt (which she found in the tangled mess of blankets and sheets on the bed), she proceeded to look for her underwear and pants. Amy reappeared in the doorway with a cup of what seemed to be coffee in one hand and a familiar pair of jeans in the other.
"Thanks." Tina replied as she accepted both. "Um... you wouldn't happen to have found my panties with these?"
Amy walked to tiny chest of drawers chuckling.
"Here. A clean, crisp, new pair." she said as she chucked the thin, pastel fabric across the room. She then winked at Tina. "Go. Don't be late."
In a minute or so, Tina was running out the front door of the building, tying her hair and thanking Amy a billion.

Tina repeated the same thing in her mind over and over again while running to the theatre.
"It was a mistake and you'll never see her again. Nothing happened except experimentation. No feelings whatsoever."
She was already a block from Amy's apartment when she realized her beloved, handmade scarf's absence from her neck and that she probably left it at Amy's. After a few seconds of debating herself, Tina began to make her way back to the apartment. As she approached the front door, another girl was walking out.
After catching her breath, Tina managed to mumble, "I forgot my scarf."
"I know" Amy replied as she proceeded to carefully drape the thin fabric around Tina's neck; she ended the gesture with a light kiss on Tina's cheek.

For a split second there, in that tiny fold in the fabric of time, there was absolutely no ambiguity concerning this blossoming relationship; a strong attraction was present and both knew deep down: this was not the last encounter they'll share.

Amy smiled and walked back inside her apartment building without another word from either one of them; but not a single word was needed.

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