II : Starstruck

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They were able to successfully drop each other from their lives.  Tina really focused on this new year of improv classes and working to be able pay for them.  She kept her head down when it came to socializing but when it came to performing, she actually poured herself into it all.  She was determined to make it worthwhile.
A few weeks in, Tina was approached an improv teacher she had grown quite close to.

She told Tina about a girl from another class who had read and was extremely impressed by a one-act play Tina had written. Tina was surprised to hear that this student was interested in meeting her.

"You should go see a show by her class, I'm sure she'll stand out to you," the teacher said with a wink.
"Wait," Tina thought. "Is she trying to set me up with this girl? Do I come off  as gay that much? Does that mean she thinks the other girl is gay or is she actually gay?"
"They have a show tomorrow night."
Tina just smiled as sweetly as she possibly could have and thanked the older woman as she walked away.

Tina quietly sat herself down in one of the seats in the far back.  Watching the cast intently, she noticed a familiar face in the group on the stage.
Amy fucking Poehler.
Tina slumped against the back of her seat baffled. She had no idea the girl she met at that one party and owned the apartment in which she woke up in was an improv student.  Scenes from that night came rushing through her mind and though Tina tried to shut them out, they managed to distract her from fully appreciating the show.
Despite the flashbacks, she actually did enjoy the show so during the final curtain call, she leapt onto her feet in applause, dropping the sweater she forgot she had on her lap in the process.

Tina groaned as she reached to pick it up but an audience member walked by and kicked the sweater under the seat in front of her. She muttered curses under her breath as her hand brushed against the underside of the disgusting seat as reached to retrieve her sweater.
With her clean hand, she grabbed her bag and with the other hand, held the dusty sweater at an arm's length away. She knew the bathrooms near the theatre entrance would be packed with guests so she proceeded to make her way towards the students'/performers' bathrooms.

As she turned the sharp corner into the bathroom, her body literally slammed onto someone else's.
"Tina fucking Fey!"
"Amy! Nice seeing you again! Look, I just have to clean up a bit..." Tina said apologetically as she showed Amy her grimy hand.
"Oh yeah sure, let me help you." Amy said as she took Tina's sweater.
Tina turned to the sink and began to wash her hands with soap. But when she looked down to rinse her hands, her hair kept falling from behind her ear and kept poking her face. Amy laughed as she watched Tina try to blow the hair off of her face because her hands were covered in soapy suds.
Amy stepped up beside her and tucked Tina's hair behind her ear. Amy's finger lingered for a few seconds or so before she went back to cleaning the sweater pretending not to notice how much she made Tina blush.

Tina watched Amy curiously in the mirror as she rinsed her hands. She saw Amy beating the dust off of Tina's sweater. Amy seemed to look for something in her pockets and ended up pulling out a crumpled receipt. She then proceeded to write something on it and carefully tucked the paper into one of the sweater's pockets. She looked up and winked when she saw Tina watching her in mirror, making her blush again.

After thanking Amy a bunch, Tina slowly shuffled out into the corridor and as she turned to look at Amy one last time, Amy met her gaze, blew her a kiss, and made Tina blush for the third time in just minutes, completely and undeniably smitten.

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