> Holly[hock]s

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art credit (EH)
{hollies for defense}
{hollyhocks for ambition}

Number 12 Grimmauld Place
Bring snacks!

Harry looked down at his arm and sighed. Why was Draco at his house? They didn't even have plans today. Harry was decidedly sleeping the rest of the afternoon away.

The play was great, as was the dinner that the blonde paid for afterwards, but it has been a week of having a mate and site Harry was happier, but the more he hung around Draco the more tired he felt. The ravenette supposed it had something to do with having a mate but not trying to do anything until they fully explored the friendly stages. Of course they kissed and went on what could be considered dates, but the easy banter was just that, easy. He wasn't even sure they considered each other as boyfriends. Soul mates? Most definitely. Dating? That was an entirely different can of worms Harry had yet to build up the courage to open. Even so he did what he was told and went to buy snacks and then made the trip back to his home.

When he walked in the lights were out, yet somewhere he could hear a soft melodic humming.

"Hello? Malfoy, is that you? Are you trying to scare me or something?" He walked through the rooms slowly before stopping at the opening to his study.

Draco was kneeling on the floor with a timid smile on his face while looking up at Harry through his lashes with those impossibly silver eyes. He shrugged ever so slightly before whispering:

"Or something..."

Harry's eyes widened as he took in the full picture and noticed the small ring box the pale man was holding out to him. He fell to his knees, dropped the snacks, and reached out to pull the blonde into a hug.

"You're such a fucking menace," he said through a chuckle though he held the pale man as tightly as he knew how.

"Of course you would blame me," the blonde states before getting serious again. His arms wound their way around the other man at some point and he breathed in the earthy scent that was Harry Potter. "Is that a no then," he asked quietly.

"That was actually a hell yes, but I didn't expect we were ready for this yet."

They both sat back from each other and Draco's face was as open and honest as Harry had ever seen it.

"Harry, listen, I know I'm not good at emotions or whatever. I won't pretend that I am, but I do know that soul mate or not I would want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to open up to you more and I logically know that I can, but I just can't yet. We don't have to get married right now, we can wait years if you want, but I want to know that this is something that we can both look forward to..."

"Draco, I- look- I don't know how to do any of this either. I never wanted to push you into something you wouldn't want or-" Harry stood and brushed off his pants, forcing himself not to look into the blonde face.

"No!" said Draco almost pleadingly standing with him. "I mean, no, Harry, I want this. I just- I don't know what I was thinking, if I'm honest." He handed the jewelry box to the messy haired man and ran a hand through his own hair.

Harry shook his own head and accepted the box before easing out the simple golden band and putting it on his finger. He looked up at his fiance. His eyes widened once he realized the thought. He was engaged. Barely a month with the pale man and they were engaged.

He knew it felt right, but wasn't this moving a bit too fast? He shook his head yet again. The wedding wasn't tomorrow and even if it was...

"You're over thinking it again too, huh?" Draco asked as he stepped closer to Harry and pulled him into his arms.

"I think it's the only thing we're good at," the bespectacled man responded jokingly, kissing the slightly taller man's cheek.

"You could be right, but I just thought of something that I'm sure we would do a lot better." The smirk on the blonde's face was enough to send shockwaves of tingles through Harry's body. Draco leaned in again and started leaving kisses across his lovers neck. Harry shivered before attempting to stutter through a sentence.

"W-wait," he started a lot less stronger than he originally wanted to, but the blonde peeled back slightly.

"Yes, love?"

"You told me to bring snacks..." he started while looking at the grocery bags still sitting on the floor.

"We can put the groceries away later, Potter." He moved in again, but Harry moved back.

"But I got your favorite ice cream and its going to melt if we don't-"

"Harry! I don't care about the damn ice cream right now. I'd much rather taste you." Draco tried once more to grab at Harry before the ravenette grabbed the groceries and ran towards the kitchen. "So what the other morning was just a tease!?"

Harry decided to ignore that comment and after the things were put away and the kitchen was becoming too quiet Draco slowly walked into the kitchen before standing at the threshold of the door and crossing his legs while leaning on the door jamb.

"You want to tell me what that was about?" He asked without moving from the doorway. Harry was standing across from him behind the kitchen island with his head hanging and both hands gripping at the counter top. He looked up almost surprised though Draco could see how scared he really was. "You could have said no. We don't have to do anything you don't want t-"

"It's not that. Well, it's partially that, but- Look I do want to do...that. I want to do it so bad that I even dream about it sometimes, but I don't want to just rush into something."

"You think we're rushing into this?" Draco's voice was small.

"Yeah, Draco, I do. And I'm telling you that's not a problem, okay? I love you as much as I know how, but I've never done anything with a guy before. If I'm honest I've never done anything with anyone before. So I-"

"Harry, I didn't mean to push you. I understand, but you have to talk to me okay? No sex right now. I get it." The blonde looked skeptically at the darker man. "Does that mean you don't want to be engaged right now either...?"

Harry's head snapped back up.

"You couldn't get this ring off my finger if you tried, Malfoy." He sent his blonde fiance a lopsided grin before moving closer to him and kissing the corner of his mouth.


hey futher muckers
soz for the late chapter

im taking summer classes
and i hadn't decided the sex
(or lack thereof)

anyway i hope this chapter doesnt read like a rape brochure
but seriously i wanted to explain
the lack of smut in context

anyway i hope you enjoyed

love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

Sketches From A Stranger {Drarry}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz