> Lilies

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art credit (unknown)
{lilies for lily}

He made it to the rec center in record time, but on his way into the building bumped into a high-strung redhead who seemed to be on edge about something on his arm. He didn't waste time apologizing as he made his way into the building snd sat in his usual corner away from anyone.

"Mr. Malfoy, it's great to see you again." he smiled and nodded back in response. "Just continue your practices from last week. Connect to the pain and draw the opposite."

Draco nodded again before taking the cap off of the deepest red marker he could find. He slowly rolled back his sleeve to reveal the disgusting brand on his arm. He used to think it was cool. Gangs and branding and- no. He never thought murder was cool, but the gamble of it all was. The feeing of being accepted, that's what he liked. His father paid for him to get out. No strings attached.

"Get out of town and stay out," he remembered his father stating and he agreed without a second thought. He had enough scars to last a lifetime. Thank you very much.

He didn't realize he was staring angrily at his arm until the supervisor came and laid a hand on his shoulder. He shrugged them off but looked up into caring brown eyes framed by huge bushy hair.

"Draco, are you okay? You're not working, just staring again."

"Uh- Yes, of course. Granger, was it? I'm fine. Just thinking about how to best approach it today."

"Just do something that you think you'd enjoy," the woman said with a smile.

"You weren't here last session, were you?" He said once he noticed she wasn't walking away.

"A friend of mine had just gotten back in town. He was in France for an internship and wanted to catch up for lunch." She chuckled. "Though he was a little preoccupied to be honest..."

"I couldn't imagine why."

"No," she said with a smile. "I don't suppose you could. I'll get out of your hair now." Before he could respond she walked away and started talking to two of the people seated at another table.

Draco stared down at his own arm and began tracing the felt tip of the red marker against his arm. The brand's design was a simple enough design, he supposed, and once upon a time he would have paid big money to get it for fun. He knew better now, though. He began adding different shapes.

He started creating a series of floral shapes and swirls before putting down his marker and standing so he could receive a paintbrush to fill them in. As he was walking he ran into that Granger woman again. She looked down at his work with a smile.

"Those flowers are new," she said pointing to a loose bunch he had decided would be either pink or purple.

"Yeah, I've been working on trying different things. A few friends own the florist's shop down on Main..."

"You mean Luna and Neville's shop?"

"Yeah, how do you know..."

"Small world. So uh...does that mean you know Harry too?"

"Do I know who?"


"Sorry, I don't know anyone named Potter. Should I? Does he come here in the afternoons or something?"

"Uh no, he's a friend of mine. I just thought you'd two get along, is all."

"Okay...well to be honest, Granger, I just came back here for a paintbrush."

"Oh, yeah! Sorry." She quickly moved to the side while blushing before looking behind herself and pulling one from the water cup. "Here you go."

He grabbed the brush and nodded in thanks before sauntering back over to his desk. He was definitely going to visit Longbottom and give him a piece of his mind after this session was over.

My mom's name was Lily.

Draco looked down at his arm more surprised than he should have considering this was what happened between soulmates.


There was no response and he sighed. Meeting his soulmate. That was next on his to do list.

He just had to find them first.


hey futher muckers

heres the first 2 chapters
just for a taste

whaddya think so far?

probably not much

love you guys

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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