> Daffodils

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{daffodils for narcissa}

565 Kingston Ave. @ 8:00 pm
Bring Roses! ✔️

Harry looked down at his arm again before checking for the third time he was at the correct address. He held a bunch of pink roses with a single white one in the center. He gulped before shaking his head.

Luna had explained to him that the man who introduced himself as Draco was in fact the Draco Malfoy, son of his new and intimidating boss. Although he suspected that not even the pointy blonde knew that he was assisting his father's assistant.

Chuckling at the irony of the situation he took it upon himself to finally knock on the door of the huge mansion.

He expected to have a maid or butler answer the call, but to his surprise he was greeted by a beautiful blonde woman in a well fitted black patterned dress with emerald green shoes that glittered in the lights from the chandelier hanging high above her.

"You must be Mrs. Malfoy. These are for you," he said handing over the soft pastel bouqet and bowing his head slightly with a genuine smile. She surprised him by gently smiling back.

"I love pink roses," she said and he learned her voice was as besutiful and regal as her appearance. She spotted the white rose in the center and her eyes sparkled even more. "Oh yes, this bouqet is just perfect. Do come in. I'll just go fomd a vase to put these in."

"Y-you?" Harry sputtered.

"Yes?" She turned back to him with a confused expression but a raised eyebrow.

"You don't have servants or...?" He covered his mouth when he realized that what he said sounded a bit rude.

"No, at least not full time."

"Oh, I didn't mean to pry or anything. I just mean, the house is so big. I can't imagine anyone cleaning it by themselves."

She smiled at him.

"I don't work so I have plenty of time to keep the house in order. My son helps with the bigger jobs when I need him to."

"It really is a beautiful house."

"I don't think I ever got your name, young man."

"Harry. Harry Potter."

"Potter?" When Harry nodded a look of glee split across her face. "You're my cousin's godson, correct."

"Oh yeah! You're related to Sirius. He's actually going to be coming later. I just didn't want to be late so I came on ahead."

"Well I'm glad you did." She nodded at him then motioned towards a set of stairs. "The third door on the left is my son's study. Would you mind telling him to come down?"

"Not at all." Harry smiled at her again before making his way to the stairs. The guy from the flower shop didn't seem so bad. A lot less intimidating than his father. Maybe he would be Harry's saving grace during this terrifying idea of a dinner.

The door to the study was open, but he knocked on the door jamb twice before walking in. When the blonde looked up bored from his book he opened his mouth as if to say something before snapping it almost immediately closed.

Sketches From A Stranger {Drarry}Where stories live. Discover now