> Irises

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art credit (yuki-almosy)
{irises for passion}

Draco walked to the rec center on Thursday with a spring in his step that could be surpassed by no one. When he opened the door he was met with a stack of frizzy hair, better known as-


"I've talked to Harry. He should be here soon, he's volunteering today. I may have told him you were too." She looked down with blush on her brown cheeks as if Draco was going to admonish her for doing such a thing. He stopped for a moment because the old him would have...

"It's fine, Granger. Really."

"It's just, you guys are just starting to be friends and I didn't want you both to start hating each other over a misunderstanding."

In that moment everything snapped into place. Harry hadn't told anyone about he and Draco being soul mates. The blonde womdered why. Harry didn't seem particularly interested in hiding it before and they had been back and forth to each other's homes all week.

Thursdays were family tea, and the pale man had insisted that his mate meet his parents officially, even if Harry had been working for his father since Tuesday.

Being in an enclosed home setting with his father could drive anyone to madness, but the darker man seemed to fare through just fine. Not to mention that both of Draco's parents seemed to love the man even more now that he was allowed to be open with his affection and took any moment he could to kiss Draco's cheek or hand or whatever else he could get to.

He noticed movement and looked down at his arm then smiled.

on my way!

Only Harry could be late for something he chose to do. He looked back up and noticed Granger starting oddly at him and he shook his head before heading to the table he deemed as his own. The blonde slid into his seat easily and almost couldn't contain his smile when Harry came sliding through the door with a goofy lopsided smile. The man winked at him before looking apologetically at Hermione.

"Sorry I'm late, 'Mione," he said walking over to her and rubbing at the back of his neck.

"I learned to expect it, if I'm being honest." She smiled at him before directing him over towards Draco. "I know you two already met, but I really think you should get to know each other better."

Harry snorted back a laugh and Draco couldn't help but smirk.

"What?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips and narrowing her eyes at both of them.

"Nothing," snorted Harry again at the same time that Draco scoffed.

"Subtly isn't your strong suit, Granger. Stick with cold hard facts, if you don't mind."

She looked confused before her eyes finally grew in realization.

"You know!?" she looked between the two of you. "Both of you?"

"His family is even less subtle than you are," chuckled the messy haired man while shaking his head and pulling a seat out next to the blonde. "Mind if I watch in person this time?"

"I'd be honored, Potter."

Hermione smiled at both of them before moving away to help a young boy that reminded her so much of their friend Collin it was uncanny.

"So how does this usually work?" asked Harry, setting his elbow on the table and propping his chin on the palm of his hand while he turned to watch Draco pick out colors he thought would work.

"Uh- I usually start by picking colors that match how I'm feeling..." They both looked down at the table covered in pinks and violets and metallic golds and emerald greens.

"So what are you feeling today?" asked the darker man motioning to the colors with his free hand.

"Happy," said Draco simply before focusing on his arm and tracing the offensive mark using a series of pastel hearts.

"Have you ever felt 'happy' before?" Harry said jokingly while chuckling.

"Not particularly, no." The blonde looked up at the silence that followed his honest answer. He was met with surprised green eyes and a concentrated yet confused expression. "I mean, I've been content with my life, but I just can't remember a time where all I felt was happiness. Maybe when I was younger, but..." He shrugged.

Harry nodded in understanding before nudging him slightly with a grin.

"How about you finish up and I do my job as a volunteer, yeah?"

Draco smirked at his man and went back to drawing loose shapes across his skin. At one point he looked up once he heard his name. When he did it was to find Harry standing over a young lady who's name he only attempted to remember because she had told him so many times, pointing at him with a small smile on his face as he let her watch Draco work as well.

Danielle, the blonde thought when he finally recalled her name, came over not even a moment later with a watery grin and a faraway look in her eyes.

"It's real sweet that you and yours got to meet. The first time I got the chance to meet mine his house was burning down. I tried to save him, but I couldn't make it in time. He had written for help on his arm, but when I showed up it was too late." She pointed at the burn scars all over her right arm. "I used to be a fire fighter, but I wasn't thinking. i just rushed in there without help. A wall fell on my arm..."

"I'm sorry," said Draco honestly, but the woman was smiling at him like it wasn't a big deal.

"It isn't your fault. I just wanted to congratulate you. Everyone meets their soul mate at least once, but not everyone's soul mate seems to compliment them as well as you two seem to already."

"Do you- I just mean to say, do you really think we compliment each other?"

"I've seen things, Malfoy, but nothing like what you feel for each other and I've only had a few conversations with each of you in passing. You even look happier," she said with a smile as she motioned her hand to his choice of colors and the patterns of flowers he had chose to draw. "Those are happy flowers. Happy colors too. I'm glad you're finally happy."

"Th-thank you, Danielle," he stuttered out surprised.

"No problem. You deserve to finally be happy." She turned away to go back to her table.

"Do you happen to know Luna Lovegood, by any chance?" He asked. This woman seemed just as out there and honest as his younger cousin.

"She's my god-sister." She sent another wet smile his way before finally walking away.


hey futher muckers
one more chapter

didnt really have a plot for this well, besides them meeting
just wanted a happy story for once, ya know?

next (final) update tuesday

should it be smutty?
idk really.
doesn't feel like a smut type fic

lemme know whatcha feeling

hope yall enjoyed
love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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