Ch 5- admitting our feelings

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I run off to the camps entrance.

I can do this. I'll just escape this camp and I won't ever have to see these boys again. I won't need to see Caden and Candice together.

To my surprise the entrance was unlocked. I looked around to see if any of the workers were around. The coast is clear.

I opened the gate and step foot on the other side.
I smile to myself. That was to easy.....

I start walking down the dirt road.

Goodbye crappy boys camp. Never liked you anyways! I finally stop in my tracks realizing I was being stupid and if I really wanted to get back home I needed money for a plane ticket.

That's to overwhelming for me. But I kept walking still replaying what I saw a few minutes earlier in my head. Candice and Caden making out.

Which lead me to overthink about the two.

First theory: their both mad in love with each other

Second theory: their dating now

Third theory: Caden wanted to make me jealous

Fourth theory: Candice hates me and wants me to be jealous

I could list a bunch more but that would waste my time.

"Skylar?" I hear a voice from behind me.

Run I tell myself but innocent me I turn around to see Alexdro the camp volunteer standing there in a very grumpy mood. He is so scrawny with long legs and long arms. And badly sun burned.

"Oh heyyyyyyy." I say casually.

"What are you doing?? Get back to the camp before I tell." He says crossing his arms.


I open the cabin door and slam it behind me. I'm not in the mood for anything.

"Well that wasn't pretty." I hear Brandon whisper. I turn around to see Justin,Brandon, and Caden sitting in a circle criss cross. Playing cards are layed out in front of them. The boys were looking at me strangely.

"Oh hi guys." I say looking at Caden specifically. He looks away and smirks. Which makes me more confused then ever. What does that smirk mean?

"Wanna play with us?" Justin asks me while he shuffles the cards to start a new game. I nod and walk over to sit with them. I sat next to Caden. But not on purpose.

"Okay who wants to play BS?" Justin says with a big smile.

"Actually I need to speak with Skylar," Caden says getting up. He looks at the floorboards, "alone."

I follow Caden, he leads me outside. We both sit down on the porch. For a few seconds it was silent then the crickets started chirping. The wind was picking up giving us a good breeze.

"Were you jealous?" He finally says. Those words gave me chills throughout my body. Now I don't know what to say, so I shrug. I don't make eye contact with him but I can definitely feel his gaze on me.

"Skylar. Please talk to me." Caden somewhat seems to beg for my attention.

"Jealous? Why would I be jealous. It's not like I have a crush on you." That was the biggest lie I've ever told to a boy. I am not about to admit my feelings towards him, okay?

He laughs probably reading my mind. I think he knows I do like him. I mean why else would I have gotten so mad at the fact that he was making out with Candice.

"That's a lie." He says, correcto!

We finally make eye contact. He smiles. Oh that goddamn smile of his. I look away already finding it awkward. Actually not awkward but crazy.

"I can tell when a girl likes me. It's obvious in their eyes,actions, words. Skylar I like you too. I'm not gonna hide it." He says putting his hand on top of mine. His hand gave me goosebumps.

"That's a lie." I say playing it off cool. I moved my hand away from his. I swear he is just playing with my feelings. He has to be. Right?

"I made out with Candice to test you. I knew you were gonna walk in any moment. So I wanted to see if you would get jealous. And you did. I immediately regretted it when you ran off." Caden looks down. He was so guilty. He actually felt bad.

What do I say now?

"Okay....I have to admit something." I whispered, loud enough for him to hear.

He looks at me and patiently waits for me to speak.

"I did get jealous because I do like you a lot. I wanted to be angry at Candice. But then I was also angry at you too. At both of you." I told him. I couldn't believe I actually told him all that. I sounded so stupid.

He pulls me into a hug.

We sit there hugging for a while . <3


Hi guys!!!!! I haven't updated this book in a while! But thank u guys so much for voting on the last chapters and reading this book it means so much to me. But I would definitely like to hear ur opinions and thoughts on this book ! So comment❤️❤️❤️. And follow me if u want lol ❤️😌.

Can't wait for the next chapter!!! Love u guys

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