"Did you see my note I left you?" He asked hopefully.

Jennifer just scowled at him as she pulled her phone out of her pocket, finally turning it on before setting it down on the table. Her brand-new iPhone 6 that her dad and Caitlin had gotten her for Christmas.

As it turned on, she noticed all the missed calls and texts she had received over the period of time when she didn't have her phone. Mostly from Alex, of course.

"What's wrong? Jennifer, I'm sorry." He tried and Jennifer dropped her spoon into her now empty bowl, making it clatter.

"The fact that it took you for me to almost get raped to actually listen to me." She stood up and took her bowl over to the sink. "If Alex hadn't arrived in time then he would've raped me because I didn't have my fucking phone." She spat out.

Eliza and Caitlin just looked down at the table, not exactly wanting to get involved.

"Jennifer, I'm sorry, I should've listened to you and Alex." He tried to apologise but Jennifer gave no signs of accepting it.

"Oh, so now you say her name. Usually it was just 'her' or 'she' whenever you were talking about her. Now you start showing her respect? You treated her like a piece of shit, I'm not going to forgive you like that." She clicked her fingers.

"She's already forgiven me..." John said quietly. He knew he was in the wrong.

"Yeah because she's the sweetest person ever, she doesn't hold a grudge!" Jennifer started raising her voice so John stood up. "That's what makes me different from her, I do hold a grudge. Especially when it was my own dad making me miserable." She pulled her blazer off the back of the chair and put it on. "I'm walking to school." She announced. Normally Caitlin would drive her with Eliza but she really needed to get out the house right now, even though it was only 7:35 and school starts at 8:40.

"Jennifer, I don't want you walking alone." John said. He felt helpless.

"John, just let her go." Caitlin felt bad for Jennifer, she knew her husband had been a dick about the whole Alex situation and Jennifer still had a right to be pissed.

"Well you left me to walk home in the dark without a phone and I almost got raped, so what's the difference?" And with that she left the room grabbing her school bag and her soccer bag before leaving the house. She had just over an hour to kill and she didn't exactly want to spend it in school so as she began walking down the street, she pulled out her phone and called her girlfriend.


"Alex, it's me. God I really needed to hear your voice. I've had such a shitty morning." Jennifer ran her hand down her face, trying her best not to cry.

"Baby, you sound upset. What happened?" Alex asked softly.

"Ugh just my dad trying to make things alright again between us but I can't forgive him that quickly, Al, I just can't. He was a cunt to you."

"Woah Jennifer, I've got you on speakerphone and Waverly's sitting right next to me. Watch where you throw the c-bomb around, babe." Alex chuckled slightly.

"Aw sorry." Jennifer quickly apologised.

"Anyway, I know it's going to be hard for you to forgive him. Just give it time and everything will work out."

"I guess," Jennifer sighed. "Hey are you still at home?"

"Yeah, I'm just getting Waverly ready for preschool."

"What time do you leave?" The brunette asked.

"Around 8. My first class is at 9."

"I've already left the house because my dad was pissing me off. Can I come over?" Jennifer asked.

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