Lucky's eyes rolled into the back of her skull at that "seriously? That's your problem here; I look like a Lolita prostitute. Please I'll take the bowtie you have the dress and frilly apron!"

Sarah is about done with their complaining and stomps down her heel "Enough, these are the uniforms and that is that. Now please put them in your closets, don't shove them in a draw, they'll crease. Be good ok. We love you."

As Sarah blows them both a kiss, picking up her handbag, Wayne looks pointedly at Lucky "yeah, be good... my fluffy little marshmallow's"

Lucky's reaction is to naturally flip him the bird as he's laughs on his way out the front door. She and Adam sigh heavily, equally hating the outcome of that morning... "So what are you actually up to today? Spray paint the church?"

The both start heading for their room's as they shout to the other "if I do it'll be better than that spray tan shit you have."

"Spay tan please, all those chemicals? I don't think so. Tinted moisturizer Luck, that's the way to go. You should try it, it's wrong to be American and that pale."

Lucky is down the hall in her own room, already out of the puffy pink monstrosity and shimmying into a pair of black ripped jeans "oh suck my dick and by god could anyone love themselves as much as you? It's sad... really."

Just as Lucky is pulling an old AC/DC shirt on Adam pops his head into the room. "Self love is the first step to happiness, another thing you should try and um yeah you don't have a dick."

"Yet it's still bigger than yours... hey maybe that's why Suzie dumped you!" the second the words left her mouth she wanted to swallow them back down.

Adam looked like he'd just been sucker punched and he kind of had; emotionally.

"Adam wait, I'm so sorry I didn't mean..."

"Save it!" he stormed off with his gym bag over his shoulder, lucky chasing him down the hall with one boot on "Adam wait!"

The front door slammed shut, almost shaking the house and Lucky knocked her head against the wall a few times "Nice work Lucky, bitch move, total bitch move!"

She shook her head in shame, heading back to her room. She knew that whatever happened with Suzie had hit Adam hard. he didn't talk about it, just said she'd dumped him and spent more than a few weeks locked in his room back in Chicago watching every Vin Diesel film known to man and eating his weight in chips.

She'd make it up to him, but in that moment she just needed out of that house.

She needed to fucking breathe for a second.

This wasn't the first time she'd found herself somewhere she shouldn't be, strangely enough she felt safer on this side of the tracks. People didn't stare at her black on black attire like it was a personal insult, or whisper about how she walked around with her headphones permanently attached and probably causing damage with the high volume; Ignoring every fake smile that was shot her way.

Apparently word spread quickly about the March's return because the doorbell hadn't stopped ringing and people just kept coming up to them, it was driving Lucky a little nuts.

So yeah, she decided to head over to the Southside of town, not that anyone really noticed. She liked it that way.

She'd found an old park that looked like it might be abandoned except that she saw the odd few people there with their kids.

She took to sitting on the rusted old bench and sat Buda style, pulling out her sketchbook, tying back her long curls with a thick black ribbon and disappearing into her own little world.

Home Sweet Home - FP JonesWhere stories live. Discover now