Long Day

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"This will be your room for the night" Aello points to a small clay village building at the very back of the village. "There is only one bed, but it gets cold at night, so hopefully you two are fine with that?" Steel and I look at each other, I don't know about him but I'm nervous.
"I'm sure we'll figure it out" I tell Aello.
"We will bring you dinner, you stay here until you leave tomorrow morning, okay?"
"Yes. Thank you so much Aello, Sir" I am so appreciative.
Aello and his guards leave us in the little room.
"How are you feeling?" Steel asks me. After what happened in the office, not to good.
"I'll be fine." I lie, I won't be fine, how could I be? I killed a man that was only trying to do good for all the supernaturals, and us humans, and I killed him. Now I'm sleeping in his village? How...disrespectful?
"You sure?" Steel really does care.
"Yeah" I lie again "but can I just get your opinion on some things?" Steel pats the bed and we both sit down to talk. "If Roger was trying so hard to do good, why would the commander make me kill him?"
Steel doesn't reply for a minute, probably thinking about my question.
Until he says " maybe he killed for the simple fact that he was trying to do good. If Roger wanted peace among the people, assassins would be put out of business" he is so smart. Steel really just knows what to say.
"I guess we really are the bad guys" I giggle through tears, hoping Steel won't notice.
"Humans like conflict Syren" Steel giggles to. We sit there in silence, thinking.
"We need to make things right" I say, thinking out loud. "Yes, we are the bad guys, but the commander made me do the dirty work for him. We might be bad, but I know for a fact we're not and enough to kill someone, a father, who only wanted peace."
Steel looks up from the ground and stares me in the eyes. There are those butterflies again.
"Exactly. So let's make things right" Steel says, in such a inspiring voice.
"But first let's sleep, I'm pooped" he flops backwards, his head hitting the pillow. I stay put. Steel sits back up.
"Oh, yeah, one bed. Um, what do you want to do? Cause I can sleep in the floor if you want?"
I don't want him to sleep on the floor, I want him to keep me warm.
"Um, like Aello said, it gets pretty cold at night here" oh my god I'm so awkward "maybe we should um.."
"Sure" Steel says with a smile, cutting me off. I smile back.
We set up the bed and just as we're finished there's a knock on our door.
"Dinner" a voice says from outside. I head over I the door and open it. One of Aellos guards is passing me two bowls. I take them.
"Thank you" and all I get in reply form the guard is a grunt. I pass one of the bowls to Steel and he stares at it in disgust. He picks up his spoon and swirls it around, then lifting up a frogs leg.
"I think I might skip dinner tonight" he says. I laugh at him.
"Me too"
We climb into bed, both as far from each other as possible, and we drift into a deep sleep.


I wake in the morning to the sound of snoring in my ear, and an arm wrapped around my waist. Steel crept a bit closer last night. I take his arm carefully and push it away... sadly.
I climb out of bed and post my shoes on. I stand in the corner of the room then trample the wooden floor as hard as I can.
"Steel wake up!" I yell and steel jumps up. I riot with laughter bending over and grabbing my stomach. "Got you back!" I say. Steel rubs his eyes,
"Screw you" he says and we laugh together.
The door of the room swings open and Aello walks in. "You both need to go" He says, sounding a little shaky with his words.
Steel jumps out of bed and grabs his bag, the we're shoved out the door. "Why so suddenly?" Steel asks
"Howlers are coming" Aello replies
I hate howlers, one of the worst supernaturals.

We make it to the gate and Aello wishes us well, and we thank him and his people again. We've learnt so much in this town, it's going to be hard to forget. Our time in the village passed so quickly. Steel an I begin to walk.
"What happens now?" Steel asks
We've never actually had a real plan on anywhere to go, so to be honest, I really have no idea.
"I'm not sure. I guess we'll have to village junk for a while until we find somewhere to stay permanently?"
He hums in agreement.

As we're walking, we make it to a steep declining hill. We take little steps to make sure we don't fall. Steels foot hit a rock and he rolls his ankle. All of a sudden he's tumbling his way down the hill.
"Shit! Steel! Hold on!" I yell down to him and I try to quicken my pace. I'm still in my way down when I here him make it to the bottom. It's silent, except for my hard breaths and boots against the rubble path. When I make it to the bottom, there is no sight of steel. I start to jog around the area, looking behind trees and bushes.
"Steel, this isn't the time to be playing jokes!" I call out.
A voice comes from behind me, but it's not Steels. It's a deep voice. An evil voice. It rumbles "oh, this is no joke love" it says. I turn around and pull my katana from my back facing it towards the figure.
A howler.
He has to be at least seven feet tall, and has the most muscular body I have ever seen. He's holding up and unconscious Steel by his bag.
"That's a big sword for such a little assassin" he says taking a step forward. I don't speak back to him. I charge swinging my katana but only able to leave a small cut on his knee. The howler looks down at it then back up at me.
"Ouch" he says, then his claws come flying my way. His nails clinking against my sword. He drops Steel and the grabs my leg, pulling me to the ground. I swing my katana down and slice off one of his fingers. He lets it out a deep roar.
With my eyes shut I can only hear the sound of the heavy figure run through the forest. Most would think that they have won, but I know he's off to tell his pack about me. The only concern I have at this moment is Steel. I open my eyes.
Steels gone too.


Word count:1231
I feel like this chapter dragged on, but I swear it all means something! Oh no, poor steel! He's gone, sadly because I will miss him more than Syren. Any way hope you enjoyed this one, even though it's really long.

Thank You Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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