The Real Assassin

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We walk in silence until we make it to the forest edge. I look at Steel, he has his legs crossed.

"really?" I ask

"i'll be one second!" he says as he rushes off behind a bush.

I take this moment to lean against a tree and take in all that has happened in the past 26 hours, playing with a leaf to amuse my self. I smile at the thought of continuing my life from here, with Steel. I lose myself in thought but quickly brought back to reality when my mouth is covered and my hands are force closed behind my back. I'm swung around and slammed up against a tree. My eyes are shut tight and my breathing is heavy. When i open my eyes I'm surprised to see Gavin.

"You really thought you'd escape?" He asks with a grin I'd happily punch out. "Guess you're not the best assassin after all" He moves his hand from my mouth and holds my cheek. "So precious" I laugh at the word precious. I lean in and head butt him, making him groan in pain.

"Yeah, I'm real precious, aren't I?" I reply full of sarcasm. He looks back up with fury in his eyes. "You don't scare me Gavin. If I could beat you in training, I can beat you anywhere" I tell him with a confident voice.

"Listen here princess, i'll smash your arse into obliv-" He doesn't Finnish his sentence. His mouth widens and his grip on my hands loosen. He struggles for breath, then falls to the side with a thump followed, to reveal a shocked Steel holding a bloody dagger.

"I killed him..." Steel has a blank expression.

"Yeah, he looks pretty dead to me" I say as I wipe bark off my coat.

"I killed him" he repeats, this time with a small smile.


"I KILLED HIM!" Steel looks at me with a huge amount of excitement, possibly more than when he saw the field for the first time. "Im an assassin!" He jumps around then points the dagger at me, and repeats himself again " Im an assassin." He shakes his head like a snob and lifts his head up. He pushes his chest out with pride.

"If you say so" I tell him. To be honest, I'm proud of him. I hadn't developed a plan, so he finished peeing just in time.

"I'll lead the way, seeming as I'm the assassin here" He tells me, getting slightly cocky.

I put my hand out, bow my head smile "Lead the way" to boost his ego a little bit more, and were back on the road to no where

The sun has almost completely set so Steel and I decide to set up a camp for the night. We light a fire and sit down, taking in all that we have accomplished.
"I killed a guy today" Steel says, breaking the silence. I laugh at him,
"You did" I look up into his eyes, "and I'm very proud of you" I Finnish with a grin. He smiles and looks back down at the fire.
"Can I ask you a question?" He asks frowning.
"Go ahead" I'm curious to know what he's thinking.
"What happened to your mum? Like, I know she left you when you were young, but... why?"
Good question. I'd love to tell him, but I don't even know myself. I don't make eye contact with him, I just keep staring at the fire.
"Sorry..." he's upset.
"No! No... it's okay, it's a fair question. It's just that... I don't know" looking back up at him he seems confused. "Steel, my mother left me when I was young, even if she did tell me, I would never remember.. I only hear the rumours, you know, like the ones how she was gruesomely murdered on the field and her body never found.." I don't think that's what he wanted to hear, especially for his first time out here.
"I understand" he takes a stick and throws it into the fire, leaving an awkward silence between us. I leave it like that, until we decide we should et some sleep.
"Goodnight Syren"
"Good night" I drift into a deep sleep.

Word count: 740
Oops short chapter! That's fine you'll get over it. Anyway hope you enjoyed this one, some secrets revealed but more to be found out soon!

Thank you Xx

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