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I hope you read the title like Dory in Finding Nemo.
I look at my self one last time in the mirror. Ive put on my most badass assassin outfit I have. A black and red cape with long brown pants. A black shirt with my iron breast plate. A brown leather belt with my dagger and my katana in its case on my back. All topped of with my favourite black leather boots.

I pull my thick brown hair back Into a tight ponytail before putting my hood over my head.

"Wow, you're leaving like that?" Steel says to me sarcastically "honey, that cape with those shoes?" He says, trying to sound as girly as possible. He laughs at his own joke, proud of himself.
"Well you're not looking very dapper your self" I reply to him and he puts a hand to his chest, mouth opening wide in offence. We laugh at each other before noticing the time.
Training is over, meaning all the other trainees will be on their way back to the dorm.
"We have to go, like right now" steel say as he snatches up his bag. We both make our way to the dorm room door, and peak out. Steel brings his head back in, "okay, here's the plan. We run through the main lobby, and you slice everyone's head off"
"Or, we could head to the training room and get out through the vents, not killing anyone" I say to him, sounding like a know it all.
He hesitates, "yeah fine, but my plan is plan B, okay?" He's sounds confident.

We move at a quick pace down the hall way passing the other trainees that are heading back to the dorm. We take a left into the training room only to find commander Brise is talking to our trainer Gavin. Steel and I look at each other as if to say 'what now?'. We stay there for a little while, to see if they'll leave before us, giving us a chance to listen to their conversation.

"She did it Gavin, Roger is dead" Brise tells Gavin.
"Syren killed Roger? Syren Lourdes?"
"Yes Syren Lourdes, who else would I make do that?" Brise says with anger in his voice.
"Wow" Gavin seems shocked "she really does take after her mother"

My mother? What would he know about my mother!

"I know" Brise confirms "which is why she needs to end up like her mother"

That's it. I can't stand here and let them talk about me, about my mother like that. Steel can see the fury in my eyes, and hold my arms.
"I know what your thinking. Don't. All we have to do is get out of here."
"They want me to end up like my mother, Steel, your gonna make me stand here and let them talk shit about my family like that!" I whisper yell at him.
"I'm not gonna make you do anything! I'm going to stop you from doing something you'll regret" he just looks into my eyes. I nod.
"Okay, let's move" I command, because if I stand here any longer i might chop someone's arm off.

Steel and I scurry against the back wall, making it to the vent that leads to our freedom. He slowly starts to take the vent lid off. I stand behind him, watching. I get impatient, he's moving to slowly.
"Move, let me do it" I push Steel out of the way and tug the vent lid,
"Syren no!"
It comes off faster than I was expecting and I fall back, making a loud bang.
"HEY!" The commander and Gavin start to run over to us and they're scarier than all the supernaturals.
Steel dives into the vent and turns around to grab my hand. "Hurry!" He yells. I take his hand and he pulls me up and into the vent. He makes me run ahead of him as he keeps yelling. "Go, go, go!"
We're crawling as fast as we can, my katana make loads clangs against the vent roof each time I move my right leg. We can't here Brise or Gaven, only our sharp breaths and metal. Steel calls out from behind me "Syren, stop!"
I come to a sudden halt and look back at Steel.
"What, what happened? Are you okay?"
"Yes I'm fine" he pants "but don't you think they'll know where we are going?" He's struggling for breath
"Yes, but if we go fast enough we could make it"
Steel looks at me, then falls onto his stomach.
"Steel!" I yell, not caring if anyone can hear me.
I feel his head, it's sweaty and cold. He's dehydrated. I quickly un-zip his back pack and grab one of the water bottles he packed and pour it over his head.
"Syren" he manages to breath out.
"Yes? Yes Steel?" I reply in a worried tone.
"Go on without me" he says slightly dramatic.
"What?" Confused by his statement
"I'm unfit and I'll slow you down. Go. Leave me. I'll be fine soon"
I'm shocked and my hearts pounding faster than before. "No, Steel? I'm not leaving you!"
He doesn't reply, he's too exhausted. I stare at him. I'm not leaving him, he's the only person I care about. The only person whose ever cared for me. I pick up his hands and start pulling him along with me.


The trip that should've takin 5 minutes, has turned into a hour and a half holiday, but I've finally dragged Steel to the end of the vent. I can see outside, the field. I kick out the vent then jump out, landing firmly on the grass. Looking around, I see no one. The sun is about to set. Once again I pour water over Steels head. He wakes, this time with more energy. He looks at me, then behind me. You can see excitement start to flood over him when he realises where he is. He looks back at me.
"You're amazing, Syren, you know that?"
"I know" I look back at my friend, whose now overwhelmed with excitement. He jumps out of the vent and takes a look around, staring in awe.  I watch him prance around, and think how funny it is that, I'm such a softy, but put me in a fight and I'll chop your head off with ease.
"Having fun?" I ask, laughing at him
"Too much" he says with the largest grin ever imaginable.
"Okay, well you've had your fun, time to get going"
He nods and smiles, and we head off.


Word count: 1149
Hey, so this is chapter two and I think I'm already in love with Steel. If you're not now, you will be he's amazing. Anyway hope you enjoyed them escaping, and ill talk later I guess.

Thank You xx

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